16 January 2025



Thursday, 16 January 2025 at 11.00am at the

Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards


Present:              Cllr S. Whitmore (Chair) Cllr P. Robinson, Cllr C. Briggs

                             Cllr B. Holmes and Cllr P. Hamilton

In Attendance:    Cllr D. Wilson


Parish Clerk:       Mrs. V. Worley


EC01/01-25           Chair’s welcome

                              Cllr S. Whitmore (Chair) welcomed everyone present to the

                               meeting and thanked them for coming.

EC02/01-25            Apologies for absence


EC03/01-25            Declaration of pecuniary interests not already registered and

                               to consider any dispensations.


EC04/01-25            Minutes from the Events Committee Meeting held on

                               November 2025.

                               Minutes were approved by Events Committee unanimously and

                               signed by Cllr S. Whitmore (Chair).

EC05/01-25            Carnival – request to use recreation area.

                               The Parish Council received a request from the Carnival

                               Manager, during the Parish Council Meeting, for permission to

                               use part of the playground for the carnival.  It was noted that no                                                  

                               vehicles or dogs were allowed on this area.  There would also be 

                               no electricity.  It was suggested to arrange a meeting between

                               the Church and the Council.  The Assistant Parish Clerk will

                               email the Church.         

EC06/01-25            VE Day – Update from Cllr B. Holmes for classic cars, singer

                                and stage.

                                The VE Day event would be called ‘The Big Lunch’.

                                The following was suggested by Councillors:

  1.   Music and stalls on village green.
  2.   Classic cars – advertise for people to bring their own

village hall carpark. It was suggested to get in touch

with Boston Classic Cars.

  1.   Little stage on carpark.
  2.   Ask DJ Blakey if he could provide the music on Village
  4.   A singer to be booked.
  5.   A ukulele band to be booked.
  6.   Cllr S. Whitmore to do the catering.
  7.   A horse and cart have been offered for rides.
  8.   A fancy dress competition.
  9.   Time starting:  10.00am to 4.00pm

EC/07/01-25             Update on vintage stalls from Cllr C. Briggs

                                 This is being researched.

EC/08/01-25             Update on Village Hall from Cllr P. Robinson

                                 Cllr P. Robinson spoke to Chris Young.  The Village Hall is not

                                 used on Sunday. 

                                 It was proposed by Cllr S. Whitmore and seconded by Cllr B.

                                 Holmes to RESOLVE to agree to a Working Party to meet at the

                                 Village Hall on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 at 10.00am and

                                 thereafter as arranged.

EC/09/01-25             Date now Sunday, 4 May 2025

                                 Confirmed date of VE Day Celebration.

EC/10/01-25             Any funding

                                 The Assistant Clerk has applied for funding.  She asked Cllr S.

                                 Whitmore for a break-down of costs involved for the fund


EC/11/01-25             Date and time of next meeting.

                                 27 February 2025 at 10.00am.

The Events Committee Meeting concluded at 12.15am.