14 October 2019

Chapel St Leonards Council


Minutes Of The Parish Council


7 pm on the 14th October 2019



Cllr Mr Hibbert-Greaves, Cllr Mrs D Baker, Cllr T Barrs, Cllr S Evans, Cllr Mrs P Hamilton, Cllr Mrs King, Cllr M Turton-Leivers, Cllr J Ward & Cllr D Yaxley

Cllr C Davie (LCC)

Parish Clerk

14 Members of the Public


The Emergency Planning Presentation was cancelled due to illness, therefore there was a public participation session

Cllr Hibbert-Greaves welcomed a new Cllr Mrs D Baker who had signed her acceptance of office in front of the Clerk


19/78 Apologies For Absence



19/79 Declarations Of Pecuniary Interest Not Already Registered



19/80 To Receive The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Council Held On 9th September 2019

Proposed Cllr Barrs, seconded Cllr Turton-Leviers and unanimously agreed the minutes should be signed


19/81 To Receive The Schedules Of Accounts For 1st September To The 30th September Which Have Been Checked By Cllr Hibbert-Greaves The Finance Portfolio Holder

a) To Ratify Payments

  • Winter & Worcester – Public Convenience Contract £12276.00 inc £2046.00 reclaimable VAT
  • Parochial Church Council £1887.00
  • Southern Electric - £1409.05 inc £234.84 reclaimable VAT

c) Received

  • Second Half of Precept £ 51834.50

d) Quarterly Budget Figures – Sent to Councillors before the meeting

Discussed – no issues

e) Notice of Conclusion of Audit Received



19/82 Report From LCC & ELDC Councillors

LCC – Highways changes – new contract with Balfour Beatty, East Division has a new Highways Manager. There are a lot of roadworks in Chapel in the next few weeks.

Cllr Davie also advised that there will be an announcement concerning the Coastal Country Parks

In November

ELDC – Nothing to report


19/83 Chairman’s Announcements

LALC Shining Stars Awards – Chapel have 3 nominees - Councillor of the year, Long Service award, Clerk of the year

The Chairman also advised all present that since the office had moved to Chapel point, the staff had received much abuse some of it verging on being threatening. The Police Commissioner has been consulted and the Council have been advised to report all further cases

19/84 Correspondence Received – Sent To Councillors Before The Meeting

a) Lincolnshire County Council – Recommendation for Highways contracts

b) Lincolnshire County Council – Adoption of LCC statement of Community




19/85 Planning

a) Decisions


Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to 19no. existing holiday chalets to provide pitched roofs over existing flat roofs and new external cladding to walls

New Trend Holiday Park, Ancaster Avenue, Chapel St Leonards,

Skegness Lincolnshire, PE24 5SN

Planning Permission Refused

b) Submitted


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 36no. static caravans, construction of an internal access road, excavation of land to provide a pond and construction of embankments to a maximum height of 1 metre.

The Laurels Pond, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards

Object With Comments

c) To Discuss


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to create an extension to existing caravan park for the siting of an additional 53no. static caravans, excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and construction of internal vehicular access roads and vehicular parking

Land At Eastfield Caravan Park, St Leonards Drive, Chapel St Leonards



Planning Permission - Alterations to existing bungalow to provide 2no. replacement bow windows to the front elevation.

Church Meadow Drive, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE24 5QN

No Objections


Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 7 no. static caravans, with decking, vehicular parking and sheds. Excavation of land to form an amenity pond.

Meadow View, (Golden Palm Resort), South Road, Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5TR



Application to vary conditions no. 3 (landscaping), condition no. 10 (water vole habitats) and condition no. 17 (phasing of development) as imposed on planning

permission reference no. S/090/02435/16.

Land Adjoining Grays Farm, Anchor Lane, Ingoldmells

It was agreed that further information should be requested to enable the Council to give a response

d) Enforcement Out Standing

(i) Flats on South Road – complaint received from a resident – sent onto enforcement

Community Protection Notice Issued

(ii) EC/031/00575/19

62 Sea Road – Untidy Land


19/86 Clerks Report

The CCTV installation has been completed


19/87 Speed Watch Update – The Clerk

The Parish Council are still advertising for volunteers to operate a speed gun in the village

So far there have been 3 volunteers. This scheme has been successful in other areas of Lincolnshire


19/88 Reports From Outside Bodies

Cllrs Yaxley & Evans will be attending the CCTV meeting on the 17th October

19/89 Agenda Items For The Next Meeting

Report from the Environment & Amenities meeting


19/90 Next Meeting Date

11th November


Meeting Closed At 8.15pm