11 November 2019

Chapel St Leonards Council


Minutes Of The Parish Council


7 pm on the 11th November 2019



Cllr Mr Hibbert-Greaves, Cllr Mrs D Baker, Cllr T Barrs, Cllr S Evans, Cllr Mrs P Hamilton, Cllr Mrs King, Cllr M Turton-Leivers, Cllr J Ward & Cllr D Yaxley

Parish Clerk

12 Members of the Public



The Meeting began with a Public Participation Session


19/91 Apologies For Absence

Cllr Davie (LCC)


19/92 Declarations Of Pecuniary Interest Not Already Registered



19/93 To Receive The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Council Held On 14th October 2019

Proposed Cllr Barrs, seconded Cllr Turton-Leviers and unanimously agreed that these notes should be signed as minutes


19/94 To Receive The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Environment & Amenities Committee Held On The 24th October

Proposed Cllr Barrs, seconded Cllr Mrs Hamilton and unanimously agreed that these should be signed as minutes


19/95 To Receive The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Personnel Committee Held On The 9th October

Proposed Cllr Yaxley, seconded Cllr Barrs and unanimously agreed that these should be signed as minutes


19/96 To Receive The Schedule Of Accounts For 1st October To The 31st October Which Have

Been Checked By Cllr Hibbert-Greaves The Finance Portfolio Holder

There were no questions

a) To Ratify Payments

  • Glasdon £1057.60 – Bench ordered on behalf of a resident and to be installed at Chapel Point

19/97 Report From LCC & ELDC Councillors

LCC – Not present

ELDC – Cllr Hibbert-Greaves reminded everyone that the Council is now in purdah.

He also reported on the East Lindsey Civic service which he attended


19/98 Chairman’s Announcements

It was proposed by Cllr Hibbert- Greaves, seconded by Cllr Turton-Leviers and unanimously agreed that Cllr Evans took on the role as Co Ordinator for the Chapel point Café development


19/99 Correspondence Received – Sent To Councillors Before The Meeting

a) Lincolnshire Coastal Bid AGM Invitation – Cllr Evans will be attending

b) Citizens Advice – Request for a donation - Noted

c) Victoria Atkins MP broadband meeting 9th November – No one attended


19/100 Planning

a) Decisions


Planning Permission - Alterations to existing bungalow to provide 2no. replacement bow windows to the front elevation.

Church Meadow Drive, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE24 5QN

No Objections


b) Submitted


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 36no. static caravans, construction of an internal access road, excavation of land to provide a pond and construction of embankments to a maximum height of 1 metre

The Laurels Pond, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards

Object With Comments


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to create an extension to existing caravan park for the siting of an additional 53no. static caravans, excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and construction of internal vehicular access roads and vehicular parking

Land At Eastfield Caravan Park, St Leonards Drive, Chapel St Leonards



Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 7 no. static caravans, with decking, vehicular parking and sheds. Excavation of land to form an amenity pond.

Meadow View, (Golden Palm Resort), South Road, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5TR


c) To Discuss


Application to vary conditions no. 3 (landscaping), condition no. 10 (water vole habitats) and condition no. 17 (phasing of development) as imposed on planning permission reference

no. S/090/02435/16

Land Adjoining Grays Farm, Anchor Lane, Ingoldmells

It was unanimously agreed to support this application


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 20 no. static caravans, construction of an internal access road, excavation of land to provide a pond and construction of embankments to a maximum height of 1 metre.

The Laurels Pond, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards

This application does not alter the Councils response therefore it was unanimously agreed to object


Removal of existing telephone Kiosk

Telephone Box outside Coop Store, The Green PE24 5TG

It was agreed that the Kiosk is vital to Elderly people who do not own phones


d) Enforcement Out Standing

(i) Flats on South Road – complaint received from a resident – sent onto enforcement

Community Protection Notice Issued

(ii) EC/031/00575/19

62 Sea Road – Untidy Land



19/101 Clerks Report

Two volunteers are now required to arrange training for the Speed watch programme


19/102 Reports From Outside Bodies

Cllrs Yaxley & Evans attended the CCTV meeting on the 17th October, they were advised that now all the paperwork was complete the Camera on the sea front would be installed in the next 2 to 3 weeks. The Clerk will chase East Lindsey


19/103 Application For A Banner

The Pantomime Group Advertising the Show on 14th December 2019

Proposed Cllr Mrs Baker, seconded Cllr Mrs Hamilton & unanimously agreed

The Parish Council – Christmas Light Switch on

Proposed Cllr Hibbert-Greaves, seconded Cllr Yaxley & unanimously agreed


19/104 Recommendations From Environment & Amenities Committee - Cllr Barrs

a) It was proposed by Cllr Barrs, seconded Cllr Hibbert-Greaves and unanimously agreed to offer groups the use of the fence at Chapel Point for displaying banners

b) Letter & form for the application to Use the Village Green & Other Venues, including application for displaying banners, discussed and agreed in principle – there are various amendments to be made to the draft form, it will then be brought to the next meeting for adoption

c) The Residents association – Tree of Life

It was proposed by Cllr Barrs, seconded by Cllr Mrs Hamilton and unanimously agreed that the Council agree in principal with the resident Association request


19/105 Agenda Items For The Next Meeting

The setting of the Budget & Precept

To adopt the application form for use of the Village Green


19/106 Next Meeting Dates

November 11th Remembrance Service on the Green 10.45 am

December 9th – The Future of the Old Café at Chapel Pont – 7 pm at the Village Hall

January 13th 2020 – Parish Council Meeting beginning with a presentation on the Emergency Plan


Meeting Closed At 8.15 pm