13 January 2025



Held on 13 January 2025 at 7.00pm

Present:  Cllr P. Robinson (Chairman), Cllr C. Jude (Vice Chairman)

                 Cllr S. Whitmore, Cllr D. Wilson, Cllr G. Ward, Cllr B. Holmes,

                 Cllr C. Briggs and Cllr P. Hamilton.

County Councillor:   Colin Davie

District Councillors: Roger Dawson and Stephen Evans

Assistant Parish Clerk:  Mrs. Valerie Worley

Members of Public:  10


Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and wished them all a happy New Year.   The public were asked respectfully not to speak whilst the Councillors are speaking as in the previous Council meeting one or two of the public were talking.

The Chairman informed everyone that the Clerk/RFO Annie Maynard was on sick leave and welcomed the Assistant Parish Clerk, Valerie Worley who would be undertaking her duties.

CCllr Colin Davie requested to speak first as he had another meeting to attend. He wished everyone a happy New Year.  He spoke about devolution, local government reform and election for a Mayor.  A lot of powers and money will be transferred to Parish Councils. There will be many changes. Maintenance of assets of the coast will fall on Chapel’s shoulders.

Local government advising 3% increase in Council Tax only this year based on needs and tax burdens at this time broadly in line with inflation. They tried to keep it as low as possible.

With regard to power lines and infrastructure, further proposals for routes coming into this area onshore on the Chapel area and join up with Alford.  The Secretary of State is not willing to listen in discussion.

He thanked everyone and asked if there were any questions.

A member of public asked - with a new authority, no district and no county with more responsibility and more expense, would this mean that Councillors will have to be elected? CCllr Colin Davie replied that Councillors will need to be elected.

Another member of public asked when District Council were going.  Colin Davie replied that it would be within two years.  This is too important to rush.  We are all waiting for more information.

CCllr Colin Davie left the meeting at 7.15pm

Public Participation

The Chairman of the Carnival Committee asked the Parish Council if the carnival could occupy one side of the park.  The Chairman asked him to write a letter to the Parish Clerk outlining what he requires.  Permission will have to be sought from the parochial church.  This will be an item on the next agenda.

The Chairman asked District Councillors’ Stephen Evans and Roger Dawson if they would like to give a report.

District Councillor Stephen Evans announced that he had some good news for Chapel St Leonards Parish Council.  There would be £72,530.99 S106 grant money and officers in charge will be in touch with Chapel Parish Council.  He suggested that Chapel decide what projects the money would be used for.

District Councillor Roger Dawson advised that CCllr Colin Davie had spoken about the subject of flood resilience and evolution and local government and that he didn’t have anything to add.

Move to Council meeting.

FC/01/01-25     Apologies for Absence


FC/02/01-25     To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 –

                         Being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously

                         Recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.


FC03/01-25      To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council

                         Meeting of 9 December 2024.

                         Proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the draft

                         minutes, as the minutes of the 5 December 2024 meeting, which the

                         Chairman signed.

FC/04/01-25     Chairman’s report

FC/05/05-25     ‘Thank You’ card from DJ Blakey.

                         The Chairman showed a ‘Thank You’ card from DJ Blakey. He  

                         supplied the music for the Lights ‘switch on’.  She read out the contents

                         of the card ‘Thank you for giving me this opportunity.  I   hope you will

                         consider hiring me next year.  Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.’

FC/06/01-25  Personnel Committee

                      There will be a discussion regarding personnel issues in the closed 

                      session at the end of the meeting.

FC/07/01-25  Precept

                      ELDC requested the amount of precept to be finalised by 31 January

                      2025.  The Chairman thanked everyone on the Council for team working

                      and Valerie Worley for assisting. The Chairman informed the members

                      of the public that the precept would remain the same. This will be the

                      fourth year running and a big achievement for the Council.  This is about

                      members of the public and the cost of living.  The Parish Council

                      RESOLVED that the precept should remain the same figure as the

                      previous year.  Cllr C. Jude proposed, and Cllr G. Ward seconded the

                      motion.  There was a show of hands which was a unanimous decision.

FC/08/01-25  Cemetery Committee – update

                      Cllr S. Whitmore stated that the Tree Survey has been received and

                      passed to the church for them to complete the work.

                      The trees are still ordered.

FC/09/01-25  E & A Committee – Update

                      With regard to the steel unit.  There is a communication from RSS giving

                      permission for the Parish Council to dispose of it.  Cllr D. Wilson noted

                      that it is not of  steel construction.

FC/10/01-25  Events Committee – Update

                      The Christmas Lights ‘switch on’ was successful.

                       DJ Blakey was very good and did us proud.  Looking forward

                       to the VE Day Celebrations on Sunday, 4th May 2025.

FC/11/01-25  Finance

                      Balances in Chapel St Leonards Parish Council’s bank accounts are:

                      £16,940 and £150,000 flex savings.  There are quite a few options to

                      remain fluid.  Tourist come to the area and spend money.  Going

                      forward, the public will be presented with a set of finances.

FC/12/01-25  Councillors’ Surgery

                       This will be held between 10.30 -11.30am at the Village Hall on Tuesday

                       28 January 2025.  Cllrs G. Ward, B. Holmes and S. Whitmore will be

                       in attendance.

FC/13/01-25   Planning – To consider new planning applications as a statutory

                        Consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive

                        updates on previous applications consulted on.

                        N/031/0081/24 – LAND TO THE SOUTH OF REGINA WALK,

                        REGINA WALK. CHAPEL ST LEONARDS – Planning Permission –

                        Erection of 1No. holiday let 1No. machine/tractor store with an

                        Extension to existing access road.  ON-GOING.

                        Decision – No objection.

                        N/031/01945/24 – Planning permission – Extensions and

                        Alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living


                        Decision – no objection.

FC/14/01-25    Date and time of next meeting.

                        10 February 2025 at 7.00pm

                        Cllr C. Jude apologises but cannot attend the next meeting.

The meeting concluded at 8.02pm

                        The meeting moved to Closed Session.

 FC/15/01-25  Closed Session – Personnel Issues.

                        Members of public and the Assistant Parish Clerk left the meeting.