12 February 2024
7:00pm on the 12 February 2024 at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr P Robinson (Chair), Cllr P Hamilton, Cllr R Christie-Smith, Cllr S Whitmore,
Cllr Caroline Briggs, Cllr B Holmes
Parish Clerk: A Maynard
Cllr Colin Davie (LCC)
Cllr S Evans (ELDC)
10 Residents
Apologies: Cllr C Jude
Absent: Cllr F Doko (Bob), Cllr S Donovan, Cllr S Wood, Cllr Roger Dawson (ELDC)
Public Participation
Cllr Colin Davie (LCC) mentioned the on-going proposals by National Grid for on-land pylons; the County Council is fully opposed to these, as is ELDC and Skegness Town Council, and asked for our support. The Council will write an objection letter outlining the devastating effect it would have on all coastal areas for tourism, wildlife, environment, and landscape to mention a few. There is a public petition on the internet if anyone wishes to sign this.
Devolution – an approved bid for funding of £9m for Lincolnshire has been submitted.
Church Lane - complete reconstruction has been proposed, to be further reported on at the next meeting.
Cllr Colin Davie also reported that Acacia Avenue is due to be repaired, but at the moment there is no start date planned.
Cllr Colin Davie left the meeting.
A resident asked if there had been any further discussions regarding a path through Charlie’s Folly. It was reported that this is too expensive at the moment and would need full discussion with the local residents.
24/83 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr C Jude.
24/84 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered.
24/85 To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 08 January 2024.
Proposed, seconded, and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes as the adopted minutes of the 08 January 2024 meeting which the Chair signed.
24/86 Chair’s Report
Ancaster Avenue toilets fire – the toilets have been assessed and this week the deep clean has begun, it is hoped the toilets will be open by the end of the week. The Police could draw no conclusions from their investigations as they could not get any facial recognition and the coach company, Stagecoach, had no facial recognition due to clothing obscuring their faces.
Internal Audit Report and Checklist – The Chair received a copy of the report from the internal auditor, Mr Steve Fletcher, Mablethorpe & Sutton Town Council, it was ‘spot-on’, the Chair thanked the Clerk/RFO and all the staff for their hard work in keeping the finances on track.
At this point the Chair requested to add an item not already on the agenda, the Clerk had collected the Chain of Office and it had been updated with the names of all previous and present Chairs of Chapel St Leonards Parish Council, this went back 10 years to when it was last updated. It was on the table in front of the Chair for anyone to look at if they wish to do so.
Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 11 March 2024, 7pm, Village Hall. The Chair and Clerk will be present, and the Chair will give an update on the things achieved this year and what we would like to achieve going forward. It is the residents meeting so please ask questions/requests. There will be soft drinks, wine & nibbles.
Annual Parish Council Meeting – Monday 18 March 2024, 6:30pm to elect a Chair for the Year 2023/24, this is the main purpose, the Vice Chair may be elected and if time allows Committee membership noted, this is at the discretion of the elected Chair. There is a 15-minute break before going into the usual Parish Council Meeting at 7pm.
24/87 Cemetery Committee
The committee met on 23 January 2024, the tree report had been received and was the best one to date, there are no urgent items and no trees to uproot, there is one tree to be trimmed back by the Church. There is a cemetery inspection taking place on 29 February 2024 and any items that contravene the T&C of the cemetery will be removed to the pagoda, and letters sent to responsible trustees of the graves.
24/88 Administration Committee
The committee met on 23 January 2024, and it was noted that we have had many visitors so far this year, income is good due to this. There are investigations being conducted by ELDC in relation to Merryfield Court and the mess being created and going over their boundaries, there is a current Community Protection Order on these properties.
24/89 Playground Inspection
This item was further deferred and due to this, the item will be discussed at the next Administrative Committee Meeting to provide information and clarity.
24/90 Events Committee
The committee met on 23 January 2024 and there are changes to be made to the Remembrance Service on The Green regarding layout and the order of service.
The Christmas Lights Switch-On will take a slightly different format with no music as parents cannot hear their children singing and therefore this will be singing around the tree, details will be given in depth nearer the time.
Family Fun Weekend, stalls are all sold, and the programme is full.
This year it is the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings and there will be a tea party with music of the era taking place in the Village Hall. There will be approximately twenty people there that were alive on D-Day.
24/91 Finance Committee
The Finance Committee Meeting that was scheduled for 06/02/2024 was cancelled due to absence and holidays.
Proposed, seconded, and unanimously RESOLVED to pay the amounts shown in the circulated payments schedule.
Account ending 002 £19,822.31
Account ending 118 £87,009.21
24/92 Councillor Surgeries
The last Councillor Surgery was cancelled as the Village Hall was having repairs done. Cllrs Robinson, Christie-Smith, Hamilton and Holmes did attend albeit outside and answered questions and directed people who did not know of the Hall closure, their presence was appreciated by residents.
24/93 To consider new planning applications as a statutory consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive updates on previous application consulted on
N/031/02002/23 105 ST LEONARDS DRIVE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS SKEGNESS, PE24 5UQ – Planning permission - Change of use of former ground floor fish and chip shop into a holiday let and extension to existing first floor of dwelling (works already commenced) – Permission Granted.
N/031/02394/23 - LAND TO THE REAR OF ELDER HOUSE, ANDERBY ROAD, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5XQ - Planning Permission – Erection of 36no. holiday lodges, excavation of land to form a recreational pond and construction of vehicular access. No objections.
N/031/02404/23 - PLOT 3, SOUTH CRESCENT, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5RQ - Outline erection of a two-storey dwelling with detached garage. No objections.
24/94 Date of Next Meeting
Parish Council meeting – Annual Parish Council Meeting - Monday 18 March 2024, at 6:30pm, in the Village Hall, followed by a 15-minute break, then the Parish Council Meeting at 7:00pm.
Meeting closed at 7:55pm
PCM13/02-24 The Council resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter: -
Personnel matter relating to hours to be discussed – It was RESOLVED unanimously that the Clerk/RFO would change their working hours from 20hrs per week to 30hrs per week.
Meeting closed at 8:10pm
Signed by Chair, Mrs Pam Robinson -----------------------------------------------------------------
Dated --------------------------------------------------