8 January 2024 DRAFT Minutes

7.00pm on the 08 January 2024 at the Village Hall
Present:  Cllr P. Robinson (Chair), Cllr C. Jude (Vice Chair), Cllr P. Hamilton, Cllr R Christie-Smith, Cllr S Whitmore, Cllr Caroline Seabrooke, Cllr B Holmes
Parish Clerk: A. Maynard
Cllr S Evans (ELDC)
10 Residents
Apologies: Cllr S Donovan, Cllr S Wood 
Absent: Cllr F Doko (Bob), Cllr Colin Davie (LCC), Cllr Roger Dawson (ELDC) 
Public Participation
A resident commented on how much dog mess is around the village, it appears to be worse this year. The fault lies with the residents as the holiday visitors have all gone home. It is very difficult to catch the culprits.  Another resident thanked the operatives for clearing the trees around the lights at the bus terminus.
There is a Devolution presentation at the end of the month at the Storehouse, Skegness and there is also a video on Next Door however there is still confusion regarding upper and lower tiers, more money if we have a mayor etc, it was suggested the Clerk ask our LCC Councillor Colin Davie to help by giving a small presentation about Devolution as Cllr Davie has been involved from the beginning of the process.
A resident complained about the streetlights going out at midnight and felt this was dangerous, the Clerk will pass this comment to LCC.
There was a comment regarding the rock groynes between Saltfleet and Seacroft, they are not there, and no progress has been made in four years and this was discussed as it would help lessen the sand on the promenade, Clerk to ask the Environment Agency to give a presentation at our Parish Council Meetings in the future.
24/67 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr S Donovan and Cllr S Wood.
24/68 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered.
24/69 To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 December 2023.
Proposed, seconded, and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes as the adopted minutes of the 11 December 2023 meeting which the Chair signed.
24/70 Chair’s Report
a) Ancaster Avenue toilets fire – the toilets have been assessed by our insurance company BHIB and the claim is in order, the insurance company will take care of a thorough deep clean and make good any damage sustained through the fire. PC Billy Spence is still investigating this matter and keeping the Chair updated. 
b) Reindeers, Christmas Lights, and Business Support – The reindeers were mended by a resident as good as possible, and the baby reindeer even had a bandage to highlight the injuries sustained. The Chair spoke to some teenagers nearby and they were polite and courteous, and this got the message out to everyone that the Council would not be beaten by a minority trying to spoil something beautiful. There were a great many compliments about the lights and how lovely they looked. Businesses kept their lights on throughout the festive period to support the village and add to the Christmas cheer, this was much appreciated particularly as prices for electricity are so high. The businesses enjoyed the competition as they had asked for it as they have fun banter between them and enjoy it. The Chair at this point thanked Mr Christopher for his help in keeping order outside Santa’s Grotto.
c) Methodist Church Christmas tree Competition – the Parish Council were asked to enter this competition in 2022 for the first time, due to lack of presentation we entered a poor example, but it made for great entertainment! This year, 2023, the Parish Council entered with a Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer theme all decorations were handmade, although we did not win, we were not last and had fun making the decorations.  
24/71 Cemetery Committee  
There is no update as the Committee has not met. They will meet on 23 January 2024 and an update will be given at the next Parish Council meeting.
24/72Administration Committee 
There is no update as the Committee has not met. They will meet on 23 January 2024 and an update will be given at the next Parish Council meeting.
24/73 Playground Inspection
This matter was deferred until the next meeting. 
24/74 Events Committee 
There is no update as the Committee has not met. They will meet on 23 January 2024 and an update will be given at the next Parish Council meeting.
24/75 Finance Committee
a) Proposed, seconded, and unanimously approved RESOLVED to pay the amounts shown in the circulated payments schedule.
Authority to pay the following expenditure on 08 January 2024
Gross VAT
Salaries Work Done £6,774.49  
British Gas Electricity £173.94 £30.25
NEST Pensions Nov+Dec £621.07  
Beltons Fuel & Service £332.00 £66.40
IPS Car Park £256.37  
M Broughton Expenses £63.40  
SCIS IT/Phones £212.52 £42.50
Chapel PCC Room Hire/Park £40.00  
Booker Maintenance Equip £71.95 £14.39
ELDC Rates £614.00  
BT Mobiles £222.69  
BEC Ltd Maintenance Equip £3.50 £0.70
R Aldrich Grass Cutting £730.00  
Chapel Village Hall Room Hire £81.25  
Lloyds Bank Service Charges £36.29  
Amazon Maintenance Equip £190.27 £38.00
Wave Water £34.83 £1.74
Citation Personnel Advice/HR/HS £252.00 £50.40
MKM Maintenance Equip £252.73 £50.54
JA Maynard Expenses £194.90  
S Bristow Expenses £10.00  
Crown Estate Beach Rates £512.00  
DVLA Vehicle Tax £200.00  
HMRC Tax & NI £2,220.77  
B&Q Maintenance Equip £50.00 £10.00
Mrs P D Robinson Chairs Allowance £54.00 £10.80
Huck Nets Ltd Football MUGA £40.07 £8.01
£14,245.04 £323.73
Account ending 002 £13,451.81
Account ending 118 £93,917.27
24/76 Grass Cutting Tender – to RESOLVE to approve the contract for grass cutting.
Two tenders were received for the 3-year Grass Cutting Tender. Upon a thorough and just examination of each of the tenders relating to cost, value for money, professionalism, equipment, risk assessments, and most importantly understanding the needs of the Parish Council it was RESOLVED unanimously to award the contract to Mr R Aldrich. The Clerk was to let him know after this meeting. 
24/77 Precept – to RESOLVE to approve the recommendations for the 2024/25 precept.
It was RESOLVED unanimously for the Precept for 2024/25 to remain the same based on Income & Expenditure from 2023/24 and the projected figures for the forthcoming year. This was duly signed by the RFO and would be emailed to ELDC in the morning.
The chair at this point wished to acknowledge the work and sound financial management of our Clerk/RFO and to recognise that it has been because of this and by decisions taken on more ‘in- house’ work being done by our operatives that we are in this unique position to be able to have no increase for the third consecutive year.
24/78 Councillor Surgeries – change of day.
These will now take place on the last TUESDAY of each month 10:30-11:30am, Village Hall.
24/79 Scam email – information. 
There is an email circulating (most of the East Lindsey Parish Council’s at the moment) which begins with the Chair asking for your help sending a discreet email, if you accept this you are taken to another screen whereby the Chair asks you to purchase £300.00 worth of iTunes vouchers – the Chair would NEVER ask you to do this, please do not be fooled!
24/80 Training Courses – Information.
The Parish Council will support ALL staff and colleagues wishing to go on courses which will enable then to do there job better. Read the LALC newsletter as it lists all course available and ask the Clerk to book on your behalf.
24/81 To consider new planning applications as a statutory consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive updates on previous application consulted on
• N/031/02002/23 105 ST LEONARDS DRIVE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS SKEGNESS, PE24 5UQ – Planning permission - Change of use of former ground floor fish and chip shop into a holiday let and extension to existing first floor of dwelling (works already commenced) – Permission Granted.
Planning permission – Construction of a pagoda to provide outdoor seating associated with existing café. Update only.
24/82 Date of Next Meeting
Parish Council meeting - Monday 12 February 2024, 7pm, Village Hall.