18 February 2021
Thursday 18th February 2021 at 10.30
Present: Cllr Barrs
Cllrs Mrs Hamilton, Mrs King,
In attendance: Cllr Mrs Robinson, Cllrs Hibbert-Greaves, Ward, Williams, Yaxley,
Parish Clerk
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. The requirement to ‘Top’ the fern tree on the village green
The fern tree is beginning to obscure the CCTV vision, however if too much is removed it will
lose its shape.
The contractor has advised that to take 12/18 inches off will not have a detrimental effect.
It was unanimously agreed that the contractor should go ahead.
4. Information received concerning grants available to install a water fountain
This information had been sent to Councillors before the meeting, after discussion it was agreed that
there was not a suitable site in the village.
5. Chalets
a) Solicitors advice concerning the Precedent Licence
This information was sent to Councillors before the meeting, it was agreed that a specification for the
building of new chalets should be drawn up, and presented to main Council for approval.
b) Report on the Chalets requiring repairs.
It has been arranged that the Environment & Amenities Committee will check the chalets on
Monday 22nd February, sending a full report to Clerk. A suitable letter would then be sent out
requesting that any work required be completed, however due to the pandemic it was agreed that the
work should be completed by February 2022.
6. To go into Closed session
It was unanimously agreed that as there was no public present, and the majority of the Parish Council
were in attendance, there was no requirement to go into closed session, and that a full Council
vote could be taken on item 7.
7. Village Amenities cutting, grass verge cutting and footpath cutting
The Clerk had advertised for tenders locally & had also written to 7 Grass cutting companies, and
had received 3 quotes.
These quotes were discussed.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs King that the Council remains with Robert Aldrich for the amenities
contract, and offers the footpath contract to matrix Gardening Care. There was no second.
It was then proposed by Cllr Mrs Hamilton, seconded by Cllr Barrs that both the contacts should
be offered to Robert Aldrich.
For 7 Against 1
The Clerk will advise the contractors accordingly.
8. Agenda items for the next meeting.
To agree specification for new build Chalets
Meeting Closed at 11.05 am
Signed ______________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________