19th April 2023

Wednesday 19th April 2023 at 3:00pm at the 
Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards
Present: Cllr P Robinson, Cllr Whitmore, Cllr G Dalton
Deputy Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow  
Members of public present: 0
CC1/04-23 Chair’s Welcome
CC2/04-23 Apologies for Absence
Resolved to accept the apologies from Cllr Christie-Smith.
CC3/04-23 Declarations of Interest 
CC4/04-23 To resolve as minutes the record of the meetings on 19th April 2023
The minutes were resolved and signed by the Chair.
CC5/04-23 To review the finances of the cemetery committee
Given recent events, the reserves earmarked for the cemetery committee have been spent. As such, this item will no longer appear on cemetery committee meeting agendas.
CC6/04-23 Update on tasks from 27th March
a. Confirmed that the Deputy Clerk had addressed mowing and strimming concerns with the gardening contractor and was assured no metal flail is used on the strimmer as this is illegal in a public space.
b. Presented cost and colour options for plot and markers. The committee RESOLVED to award the plot marker order to South Survey of Clitheroe, Lancs at a cost of £743.75 net. As an additional quote was being sought for row markers, the committee RESOLVED a maximum net cost of £28 per row marker for 30 markers in total; the Deputy Clerk was delegated the final decision once all quotes were in hand, according to those cost guidelines.
c. Updated the committee on non-compliances, noting graves had been cleared and ornaments placed into the pergola for collection. Disposal of collected items will take place in May.
CC7/03-23 To resolve the date of the next Cemetery Committee meeting
RESOLVED as Wednesday 4th October 2023 at 1pm
There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 3:35pm.