22 August 2024
Thursday 22 August 2024 at 11:00 at the
Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards
Present: Cllrs Hamilton, Whitmore, Robinson (Chair), Christie-Smith, Holmes and Wilson.
Apologies: None
Absent: None
Proper Officer: Mrs A Maynard
AC48/08-24 Chair’s Welcome
Cllr Robinson thanked the Cllrs for their on-going support and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
AC49/08-24 Apologies for absence
No apologies for absence received.
AC50/08-24 Declarations of Interest
AC51/08-24 To resolve as minutes the record of the meeting on 25 July 2024
RESOLVED and signed by the Chair. It was further RESOLVED to distribute all agendas and minutes for every committee to all councillors.
AC52/08-24 Update on MUGA netting (as agreed with meeting with member of public and Mark, also Cllr Wilson).
The Chair, Cllr Wilson, and the handyman (Mark) met with the resident on Tuesday 30 July 2024 and discussed that the netting was to be doubled in height and that the handyman would get quotes for the metal-work from the fabricators on Wigg Lane to supply and fit the new posts.
AC53/08-24 To discuss the grass cutting schedule and contract monitoring.
The Clerk read out an email from Robert Aldridge to councillors that outlined that he had completed all work required and was unhappy about some comments being made. As a result the Chair would talk to Robert and arrange to meet with him to discuss the situation. Any monitoring would wait until the Chair reported back to the councillors.
AC54/08-24 To discuss the very poor condition of the blue beach chalet.
It was RESOLVED to send another letter before the end of the Financial Year and insist that chalet 19 be brought into a state of good repair.
AC55/08-24 Amphitheatre renovation expected start date.
It was NOTED that weather-permitting work on the rear of the amphitheatre would begin in mid-September, work to the steps would begin in October 2024.
AC56/08-24 Update on football posts
It was NOTED that the free football posts that had been on offer were damaged beyond repair and were no longer available. Further investigation into the cost of new football posts and locations for siting would be investigated.
AC57/08-24 Update on the What’s On style Village poster.
Cllr Whitmore reported that the new What’s On Village poster was almost complete and that the Clerk would put some images on the poster for display.
AC58/09-24 To resolve the date of the next E&A Committee meeting.
Resolved as Thursday 26 September 12:00.
Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 12:26.