10 June 2024


The Old Coastguard Station, Anderby Road Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5XA

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, and Members are summoned to attend a Chapel St Leonards Parish Council Meeting which will be held on Monday 10 June 2024 commencing at 7.00pm at the Chapel St Leonards Village Hall, Sea Road, PE24 5SA. If you cannot attend, please inform me of your absence and the reason.

Signature A. Maynard Dated: 03 June 2024

Parish Clerk

Chair’s Welcome

There will be a 15-minute maximum Public Participation Session at this meeting. Members of the public may have up to 3 minutes each to raise issues. Members of the public may not speak or interject during the Parish Council Meeting once it starts unless permission is granted by the Chair and by resolution of the Parish Council. The Chair will invite County and District Councillors to make a statement or bring items to the attention of the Parish Council prior to the start of the formal agenda.


  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

  1. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests

  2. To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 13 May 2024.

  3. Co-Option – possible new Councillor.

  4. Chair’s Report

  1. D Day Event.

  1. Training for Councillors – update.

  2. Committee vacancies – update on vacancies for finance and personnel committees.

  3. Administration Committee – update and discussion and decision to change the name to Environment & Amenities Committee.

  4. Events Committee – update.

  5. Finance

  1. To authorise the signing of orders for payment and note the income for May 2024.

  2. To receive bank reconciliation for May 2024.

  1. Councillor Surgeries – update from surgery dated 28 May 2024.

  2. Planning – To consider new planning applications as a statutory consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive updates on previous applications consulted on –

    • N/031/02394/23 - LAND TO THE REAR OF ELDER HOUSE, ANDERBY ROAD, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5XQ - Planning Permission – Erection of 36no. holiday lodges, excavation of land to form a recreational pond and construction of vehicular access. No objections.

    • N/031/00355/24 - 45 DRAYCOTT WAY, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5WG -
      Planning Permission - Installation of air source heat pump. WITHDRAWN.

    • N/031/00251/24 – 9 ANDERBY ROAD, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5XA - Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. Permission granted.

    • N/031/00525/24 - GRATISS HOUSE, MAIDEN LANE, HOGSTHORPE, SKEGNESS, PE24 5QH – Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. Erection of a detached double garage and workshop. Permission granted.

    • N/031/00499/24 - LABURNUM HOUSE, WIGG LANE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5RL - Planning Permission - Change of use of land to form a touring caravan site, erection of a shower/toilet block and construction of an access road.

    • N/031/00777/24 – 57 SUNNING DALE CLOSE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS. PE24 5UR – Planning Permission – Alterations to existing ground floor flat to replace 5no.PVCu windows and the front door.



  1. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 08 July 2024, 7pm, Village Hall.