14 November 2022 Minutes



7.00pm on the 14 November 2022 at the Village Hall


Present:  Cllr G Dalton (Chair), Cllr P. Robinson (Vice Chair), Cllr P. Hamilton, Cllr S. Whitmore, Cllr Festim (Bob) Doko, Cllr R. Christie-Smith and Cllr David Simmons.
Parish Clerk: A. Maynard
8 Residents, Cllr S Evans (ELDC), Cllr Dr G Williams (ELDC)

Apologies: Cllr Caroline Seabrooke, Cllr Charles Jude & Cllr Colin Davey (LCC)



Public Participation


Members of the public raised concerns about the large hotel in the village, The Vine becoming a holding place for migrants, the ELDC’s assured them that they had not heard of any plans for this. They did point out however that the government do not communicate any information before deciding on which hotel/area to use.

A member of the public asked that we show income as well as expenditure, this can be issued in the same format as for the monthly balance of accounts

Members of the public would like to know about the Outer Dowsing proposals, the council asked the team to this meeting, but they could not attend, however, there are more consultation evenings taking place. Cllr Dr G Williams attended the consultation evening at Anderby and through Cllr Dr G Williams interest in engineering they are now on the board of representatives and as such explained this is an under-land project not over land. There will be no disturbance of houses, the route ashore is near Wolla Bank. Cllr Colin Davey at ELDC is opposing the proposals as it will interfere with the coastal pathway and the Wildlife Trust are also opposing this. There is still much to talk about on this subject.

 A member of the public commented on the amount paid for public toilets, however this was last month when all the toilets were open and over the next six months there will be a much-reduced invoice.



22/169 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Caroline Seabrooke & Cllr Charles Jude sent apologies, and these were accepted.

22/170 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered


22/171 To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 October 2022.

Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes as the adopted minutes of the 10 October 2022 meeting which the Chair signed.

22/172 To consider matters arising from the meeting of 10 October 2022


22/173 Roman Bank – update - to consider and authorise a letter to be sent to LCC confirming the PC position on this matter

Before any further discussion the Vice Chair, Pam Robinson pointed out that any on-going discussion would be done with neutrality and only the facts as set out before them on 14 November 2022. The VC pointed out that currently this is classed a no man’s land. The Maps Officer, Karen Barke confirmed this. An Annual Parish Council minute point from March 2019 confirmed that there was an application to make the footpath a Public Right of Way, but this had not been progressed by LCC and now as this stands the PC can send a letter without further delay to LCC who will pass to the Planning Inspectorate, this can take up to 2 years to process.  

Many people had commented that they had been put off from walking on Roman Bank due to residents putting up Private Land notices.

It was Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to send a letter to LCC to progress to make Roman Bank a Public Right of Way.

22/174 Finance

a. Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to pay the amounts shown in the circulated payments schedule

Chapel St Leonards Parish Council Payments 14th November 2022







Work Done






S. Bristow








J.A. Maynard




Village Hall


Room Hire


PHS Group




Protec Services


Alarms & Services


GRS Group


Xmas Lights Banner


Viking Group


Office Supplies


Winters & Wooster


Toilet Cleaning




Cemetery Management Training




Wreaths for 11/11/22


R. Bryant


Grave Digging


Castle Recycling Ltd


Confidential Waste


Robert Aldrich




Wilkin Chapman LLP






Fuel & Service




Tax & NI Contributions




Arnold-Baker 13th Edition




Balance of Account ending 3002



Balance of Account ending 3118




b. Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to apply for Internet Banking.

c. Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to apply for a debit card


22/175 To receive any updates relating to the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Proposal

This was discussed in the public forum and more discussion is needed; therefore, the Clerk will invite the developers to the Council Meeting 12 December.


22/176 Cemetery Committee Update

Following on from the last tree report, quotations were submitted for trimming of two larger tress in the Churchyard and from the four quotes number four was chosen.

The Tree Survey for Churchyard and Cemetery due on or before 17 December had three quotes, as quotes one and two were identical the one that was most local was chosen as we endeavour to keep the carbon footprint down. Deputy Clerk will let the companies know accordingly.

The Community Warden had some gardening experience and was chosen to trim the basal growth and cut ivy from the base of the cemetery trees.


22/177 Personnel Committee Update

The office hours for the winter months had been agreed:

Mon – 08:00-13:00, Tues – 08:00-16:30, Weds – 08:00-16:30, Thurs – 08:00-13:00

Fri – Closed.


22/178 Environment & Amenities Committee Update

It was reported that the toilets were still charging 20p in the village whereas in the past October to March they had been free as it is now residents only in the village, Cllr P Hamilton had received some complaints about this.

Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to turn the toilet gauge onto FREE entry as in previous years.


22/179 Finance Committee Update

It was reported that the Head of Finance Committee, Cllr R Christie-Smith and the RFO, Annie Maynard had applied for Internet Banking and a debit card. The Committee will meet on 12 December to discuss the Precept, and this will feed into the Council Meeting on 12 December 2022.


22/180 Surgery Meetings Update

The last Council Surgery was quiet, and it is thought this was due to timing as it was getting dark, therefore the next surgery will be on 26 November 2022 at 13:00 at II Gusto, The Green, Chapel St Leonards – booking through the office (01754 875032) or turn up and wait.

Cllrs S Whitmore and D Simmons will be in attendance.


22/181 Correspondence received

LALC E-news circulated to all Councillors. Late letter asking if a local radio station could help free of charge at the Christmas Switch-On as they are aware that someone had to drop out last minute this was Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED that we accept their offer and Cllr S Whitmore makes the arrangements with them.


22/182 To consider new planning applications as a statutory consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive updates on previous application consulted on


N/031/01891/22 LAND ADJACENT MILLERS LEISURE CENTRE, THE ESPLANADE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS - Planning Permission - Change of use of the land for the siting of 11no. chalets – Concerns were raised due to parking and the entrance at Sandy Lane, Cllr P Robinson will raise concerns with planning at ELDC.


N/031/01400/22 OAKLANDS CARAVAN PARK, SKEGNESS ROAD, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, PE24 5UQ - Alterations to existing layout and change of use of land to form an extension to existing caravan park to provide a total of 66no. touring caravans and 11no. static caravans. Erection of a welfare building and site plant and dry store within a fenced compound. Update only – No further comments.


22/183 Dates

Parish Council meeting Monday 12 December, 7pm, Village Hall.


Meeting Closed 8.15pm – Public left.


22/184.To resolve to exclude the public and media to discuss confidential items relating to individuals and confidential financial matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960


22/185. To discuss and update matters regarding a confidential legal matter relating to the cemetery.


Letters agreed at our last meeting with the solicitor have been sent and we await replies from both parties.


22/186 To discuss Committee attendance.

It had been suggested that there be an extra councillor added to the Finance Committee and it was Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED that Cllr David Simmons be added.



Meeting Closed 8.40pm