22nd April 2022 Council Minutes

Present: Cllr G Dalton (Chair), Cllr R. Christie-Smith, Cllr P. Hamilton, Cllr P. Robinson.

Acting Clerk: A. Everard

Members of the public present: None

22/009 Election of Chair of the Parish Council

It was proposed by Cllr Robinson and seconded by Cllr Christie-Smith and unanimously approved RESOLVED that Cllr Dalton is the Chair of the Parish Council.

22/010 Apologies


It was resolved by show of hands that due to the confidential nature of the business relating to individuals to exclude the media and public in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 from consideration of the following items and the following matters were decided.

22/011 Staff Pay Matters

RESOLVED to increase all pay rates with effect from 1st April 2021 in accordance with the increased NJC Pay Scales.

RESOLVED to introduce a Deputy Clerk post and to remove the administrator position and to review pay and roles after a year.  The pay rates will comply with the NJC pay scale rates.

22/012 Appointment of Acting Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

RESOLVED to appoint an interim appointment provided by LALC, Mr A. Everard, with effect from 22nd April 2022 on terms agreed with LALC.

22/012 Financial matters

In the absence of any bank signatories or financial details this item was deferred.

22/013 Appointment of Solicitors

RESOLVED to instruct Wilkin Chapman to deal with the matters relating to the cemetery.

22/014 Date of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting

RESOLVED that the date of the APCM will be 16th May 2022 at the Village Hall and the Annual Parish Meeting will be on Monday 23rd May 2022.

The meeting was declared closed at 11.24am