12 December 2022 Minutes

7.00pm on the 12 December 2022 at the Village Hall
Present:  Cllr G Dalton (Chair), Cllr P. Robinson (Vice Chair), Cllr P. Hamilton, Cllr S. Whitmore, Cllr Festim (Bob) Doka, Cllr R. Christie-Smith and Cllr David Simmons, Cllr Caroline Seabrooke, Cllr Charles Jude
Parish Clerk: A. Maynard


            4 Residents



Apologies: Cllr S Evans (ELDC), Cllr Dr G Williams (ELDC) & Cllr Colin Davey (LCC)



Public Participation


A member of the public raised concerns about Roman Bank and requested an update on details from the office as this is an on-going matter regarding grass-cutting and a public right of way – Cllr P Robinson assured the MOP that this would be investigated further.


22/187 Apologies for Absence

Cllr S Evans (ELDC), Cllr Dr G Williams (ELDC) & Cllr Colin Davey (LCC)

22/188 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered


22/189 To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 November 2022.

Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to adopt the draft minutes as the adopted minutes of the 14 November 2022 meeting which the Chair signed.

22/190 To receive and adopt the following documents:

a. Code of Conduct – adopted 12/12/2022

b. Standing Orders - adopted 12/12/2022

c. Financial Regulations - adopted 12/12/2022

d. Civility & Respect Pledge – signed and adopted 12/12/2022

22/191 Cemetery Committee – there were 16 trees requiring immediate attention as per a tree report and the first quotation was almost £4,000. Our current gardener is not a tree surgeon and does not want to undertake this work as lacking the correct equipment. The office is to obtain three quotes for this work and bring to the meeting in January 2023.

22/192 Environment & Amenities Committee – the Councillors ONLY will carry out the Chalet/Hut inspection Wednesday 11 January and there will be a report at the following PC Meeting in February 2023.

22/193 Events Workshop – The lights Switch-On evening was a huge success, the tree received compliments as did the lights around The Green. The choir needed microphones and next year it is hoped that we could have these and/or a stage and the choir to have glow sticks or head torches. Setting up and taking down was from 08:30-10:30pm and nest year more volunteers are needed.

It has been decided to have an Event’s Committee:

Cllr Sue Whitmore – Chair

Cllr Caroline Seabrooke – Deputy Chair

Cllr Bob Doko

Cllr Ron Christie-Smith

Cllr Charles Jude

Cllr David Simmons

Cllr Pam Robinson

Cllr Pat Hamilton

Cllr Ged Dalton

They are to be involved with the Coronation, Summer Festival, Xmas Lights & Fund Raising.

22/194 Finance Committee

a. The first draft of the budget and precept proposals approved.

b. Proposed, seconded and unanimously approved RESOLVED to pay the amounts shown in the circulated payments schedule

Chapel St Leonards Parish Council Payments 12th December 2022







Work Done


Peter Strawson Ltd


Christmas Tree


Wilkin Chapman LLP






Training X2


Robert Aldrich


Garden Maintenance


Stacey's Wheelie Bins


Cleaning Bins








Office Expenditure


R. Christie-Smith




EDF Energy




Hallgate Lincs Ltd


Christmas Lights












Balance of Account ending 3002



Balance of Account ending 3118






22/195 Surgery Meetings Update

The last Council Surgery was quiet, in fact no one attended. Any bookings are to be made through the office going forward and better publicity is required, on FB and on noticeboards.

Saturday 28 January – Cllrs Christie-Smith, Robinson & Hamilton will be in attendance.

Saturday 25 February - Cllrs S Whitmore and D Simmons will be in attendance.

13:00 at II Gusto, The Green, Chapel St Leonards – booking through the office (01754 875032


22/196 Correspondence received

LALC E-news and CCTV newsletter circulated to all Councillors


22/197 To consider new planning applications as a statutory consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive updates on previous application consulted on


  • N/031/01891/22 LAND ADJACENT MILLERS LEISURE CENTRE, THE ESPLANADE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS - Planning Permission - Change of use of the land for the siting of 11no. chalets – It was RESOLVED to object due to concerns raised over the entrance on Sandy Lane and pedestrian use at the approach to the Esplanade. No decision made to date.
  • Late planning for a manager’s office on-site at The Laurels, CSL – No objections or discussions needed.



22/198 Dates

Parish Council meeting Monday 09 January, 7pm, Church Hall.


Meeting Closed 7.55pm – Public left.