6th October 2020



6th October 2020 at 2.30 pm in the Old Coastguard Station Anderby Road

Chapel St Leonards

Also Available Via Virtual Zoom Meeting



Present: Cllr Hibbert-Greaves

Cllr Mrs King, Cllrs Evans, Hibbert-Greaves, Yaxley


Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer




1. Apologies for absence


2. Declarations of interest


3. To Receive the half yearly Finance Report

The Report had been sent out to Councillors before the meeting, the Clerk confirmed that the accounts for September had been balanced before the report was produced, and arrangements were being made to have the half yearly audit to be carried out.

There was a discussion on the funds earmarked for the Hub project, and it was agreed that the amount of £12000.00 was sufficient at the present time. It was also noted that all costs for the project would be claimed back within the grant applications.

It was agreed that although the income from the carpark and public convenience had been greatly reduced, due to their closure during lockdown, the Council is able to continue with their plans, all be it on a smaller scale, by utilising the reserves.

The Budget and precept for the next financial year was also discussed, and it was agreed that there would be an unavoidable increase to recoup the loss of income on the car parks and in turn replace the reserve. This will be monitored as the year goes on with a final decision made as late as possible.

4. To agree recommendations for Main Council

The loss of income due to the closure and break-in of the Chapel Point ticket machine was discussed in detail, it was agreed that the plan to have a second machine once the carpark is extended, should be brought forward. This would ensure that there is always a machine available, and that card payment facilities could then be offered, reducing the amount of cash held, reduce banking costs, and reduce risk.

It was therefore unanimously agreed that a recommendation to full council to install another machine before the start of the next season should be made.

5. Agenda items for the next meeting

Budget & Precept



Meeting ended at 3.30 pm



Signed ______________________________________________________


Date _________________________________________________________