16 December 2021
16th December 10.30 am at Chapel Point
Present: Cllr Yaxley (Vice Chair in the Chair)
Cllrs Barrs, Evans, Cllr Mrs Robinson
In Attendance Cllr Mrs Hamilton
Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Election of Chairman
Cllr Yaxley & Cllr Barrs both propose themselves.
There was no second for Councillor Barrs
Cllr Evans seconded Cllr Yaxley and it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Yaxley should be
. chairman.
4. Election of Vice Chairman
It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Evans would remain Vice Chair
5. To discuss the costs of the public convenience contract
It was confirmed that the Clerk & Councillors have attempted to contact other
firms but have received no expressions of interest.
All the Councillors had received a breakdown of the costs before the meeting which were
discussed. It was also noted that the Council already has one staff vacancy and were not
confident that they would be able to, successfully employ a further 4 staff. It was proposed
by Cllr Barrs seconded by Cllr Mrs Robinson and unanimously agreed that the Committee
will recommend to main Council to continue using the contractor.
6. To Discuss the budget and precept – sent to Councillors before the meeting
It was proposed by Cllr Yaxley, seconded by Cllr Mrs Robinson and unanimously agreed
that the Council should re instate S137 funds of £500.00.
The Clerk answered questions on the budget, which is to be sent out to all Councillors, together
with a recommendation from the Finance Committee to set the precept of £140203.00
(No Change)
7. To Discuss the extension of Chapel Point Car Park
The extension was discussed and it was agreed to explore the possibility of going ahead
with the extension which will bring further income into the parish, and would help to alleviate
parking on the roads around the Observatory.
8. Agenda items for the next meeting
Meeting closed at 11.55 am
Signed ______________________________________________________