21 April 2023 Minutes
Friday 21 April 2023 at 09:45am at the Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards
Present: Cllr R Christie-Smith (Chair), Cllr D Simmons, Cllr C Jude, Cllr G Dalton
Absent: None
Parish Clerk: A Maynard
FC1/15-23 Apologies for Absence
Cllr B Doko
FC2/16-23 Declarations of Interest
FC3/17-23 Minutes to Approve
Minutes of 06 March 2023 were approved with minor amendments and signed by the Chair.
FC4/18-23 Update on Banking & BACS
Cllr G Dalton has heard nothing to date regarding his application for online banking.
The Chair reported as of today the bank accounts are:
£13,865.10 – Current account
£87,874.97 – Saver account
FC05/19-23 2023 To approve March 2023 payroll.
It was RESOLVED to approve the March 2023 payroll.
FC06/20-23 2023 To receive 21 February 2023 – 14 April 2023 bank statement and authorise income and expenditure as a true and accurate record.
It was RESOLVED to approve the bank statement 21 February 2023 – 14 April 2023 income and expenditure as a trues and accurate record.
FC08/21-23 To clarify Demarcation line between Finance Committee referrals regarding expenditure for other committees.
It was discussed that after elections committees will change and that this problem will be resolved through the changes.
Date of next Finance Committee Meeting
It was RESOLVED that the next Finance Committee meeting will be decided at the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 15th May 2023.
Urgent Extra Item
The operatives current Council vehicle (Chappie) has broken down (off road this week) and parts are proving very difficult to get for a Piaggio truck. It has therefore been requested that we buy an additional vehicle to the value of £10,000 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED that we can look at vehicles to the value of £10,000 plus VAT.
Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00am.