15 July 2021
15th July at 10.30 am at Chapel Point
Present: Cllrs Evans, Cllr Hibbert-Greaves
Cllr Mrs Robinson & Cllr Yaxley
In Attendance Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Cllr Mrs Hamilton
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr Ward resigned from the Committee
2. Declarations of interest
3. Election of Chairman
Cllr Hibbert-Greaves proposed by Cllr Evans seconded by Cllr Mrs Robinson, and
Unanimously agreed
Cllr Hibbert-Greaves accepted the post.
4. Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Evans proposed by Cllr Hibbert-Greaves, seconded by Cllr Mrs Robinson and
unanimously agreed. Cllr Evans accepted the post.
5. To Review the Committee Structure – sent to Councillors before the meeting
There were no amendments, and it was unanimously agreed that the policy should be adopted
6. To Review and Adopt the Financial Regulations - sent to Councillors before the meeting
It was unanimously agreed that if a prepaid debit card is issued then the petty cash figure of
£250 should be decreased and the policy should be adopted. The policy was adopted as it stands.
7. Financial Regulations 6.19 – the use of a prepaid debit card.
It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk should explore the possibility of obtaining a card for
the Handyman
8. Cost of employing a casual worker during the school holidays to assist with
cash collections and gardening.
It was proposed by Cllr Hibbert-Greaves seconded by Cllr Mrs Robinson and unanimously agreed
that the Council could stand the cost of a casual worker out of the budget
9. To discuss the costs of using ELAS for risk assessments. – sent to
Councillors before the meeting.
It was unanimously agreed to employ ELAS as the Councils Health & Safety Advisors
At a cost of £111 per month.
10. To discuss the introduction of SCRIBE for Parish Councils, an online
accounting package. – Information sent to Councillors before the meeting
The Clerk has been to 2 presentations by SCRIBE which is endorsed by LALC.
The Council are aware that VAT will soon require filing on line, and a package would have to
be purchased for this. It is incorporated in the SCRIBE package.
It was proposed by Cllr Hibbert-Greaves, seconded by Cllr Evans and unanimously agreed that
the package is purchased at a cost of £564.00 annual subscription, with a £497.00 set up fee.
11. Agenda items for the next meeting
To report back when required
Meeting closed at 11.25 am
Signed ______________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________