2 January 2025 Finance & Budget



Monday, 6th January 2025 at 10.00am



Present:                              Cllr S. Whitmore (Chair), Cllr G. Ward,

                                             Cllr B. Holmes, Cllr P. Robinson

In Attendance:                    Cllr D. Wilson, Cllr P. Hamilton, Cllr. C. Briggs

Assistant Parish Clerk:      Mrs. V. Worley


The Chair welcomed and thanked all present to the meeting.  Cllr C. Jude was absent from the meeting and sent his apologies. There had been no minutes for approval from the previous committee meeting.

FBC01/01-25    Internal Control to be completed 1st week of January 2025

                          Internal Control completed.

FBC02/01-25    To improve the documentation of how the finances are

                          operated in the office leading to being put onto the computer.

                          Items inputted and descriptions.

                          This item will be carried forward to the next Finance & Budget

                          Committee Meeting.

FBC03/01-25    Methods of control for payments correlating to the Bank and


                          This item will be carried forward to the next Finance & Budget

                          Committee Meeting.

FBC04/01-25    Update on Cllr Whitmore being on the Lloyds Bank Account.

                          Cllr Whitmore informed the Committee that she had received an

                          Email from Lloyds but as yet, she was not a signee.

FBC05/01-25    To discuss systems of authorising payments out of the office

                          and amounts.

FBC06/01-25    Brief discussion of how to go forward efficiently.

                          This item will be forwarded to the next Finance & Budget Committee


FBC07/01-25     Budget Setting/Precept

                           Members of the Committee thoroughly discussed the precept and

                           looked through financial figures and details of payments, incomings

                           and outgoings of previous and the present year as produced by the

                           Assistant Parish Clerk through Scribe.

                           The Chair called for a vote from Members of the Committee as to

                           whether the Precept should be raised or stay at the same amount.

                           It was unanimously resolved for the Precept to remain the same as

                           the previous year.

FBC08/01-25     Date and time of next meeting.

                           To be advised.

The Meeting concluded at 11.15am.