8 January 2024 DRAFT

Monday 08 January 2024 at 1:00pm at the Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards
Present: Cllr R Christie-Smith (Chair), Cllr P Robinson, Cllr C Jude 
Absent: Cllr B Doko
Apologies: None
Parish Clerk: A Maynard
FC1/33-24 Apologies for Absence
FC2/34-24 Declarations of Interest
FC3/35-24 Minutes to Approve
Minutes of 05 December 2023 were approved with minor amendments and signed by the Chair. 
FC04/36-24 Update on Banking
The Chair received the online bank statement to date and authorised the income and expenditure as a true and accurate record, this was RESOLVED unanimously to be correct. 
FC05/37-24 Chair of Finance – Precept update before the Full Council Meeting at 7pm Monday 8 January 2024
It was RESOLVED unanimously for the Precept for 2024/25 to remain the same based on Income & Expenditure from 2023/24 and the projected figures for the forthcoming year. 
FC6/38-24 Monthly Audit – Councillor rota
It was RESOLVED unanimously for the completion of the Internal Controls Examination (formerly Audit) to be completed on a quarterly basis. The first examination 13/02/2024 and the second 28/03/24, this will be the end of the financial year check/control and nay recommendations will be reported to the subsequent Finance Committee Meeting in April 2024. Due to the lack of councillors able to take on this task the work will be divided by the Finance Committee, this will be reflected in the change to our Financial Regulations and Standing Orders.
Date of next Finance Committee Meeting
Thursday 03 March 2024, 10.00am, Church Hall
This part of the meeting was concluded at 1:36pm and then we RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter: -
The Finance Committee were joined by fellow Councillors:
Cllrs Hamilton, Holmes, Seabrooke & Whitmore. Apologies from Cllrs Donovan & Woods
Absent Cllr F Doko (Bob).
• Grass Cutting Tender – to open tenders and discuss – 
(This process was in contravention to the Standing Orders, however the Chair of the Council, Mrs Pam Robinson took advice from LALC and this was an acceptable way to continue as per LALC). 
Two envelopes were submitted and opened in front of all members and each envelope contained a grass cutting tender.
Upon a thorough and just examination of each of the tenders relating to cost, value for money, professionalism, equipment, risk assessments, and most importantly understanding the needs of the Parish Council it was RESOLVED unanimously to award the contract to Mr R Aldrich. The Clerk was to let him know and it would be announced at the Parish Council Meeting that evening at 7pm. 
Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 2.00pm.