22 January 2025


The Old Coastguard Station, Anderby Road, Chapel St Leonards PE24 5XA


Held on Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Present:  Cllr C. Jude (Chair) Cllr P. Robinson, Cllr G. Ward, Cllr S. Whitmore and

                Cllr B. Holmes.                   

In attendance:   Cllr D. Wilson

Assistant Parish Clerk:  Mrs. V.A. Worley     


FC/01/1-25  Chair’s welcome

                 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked

                    them for coming.

FC/02/1-25  Apologies for absence


FC/03/1-25   Declaration of Pecuniary Interests not already registered and to

                     Consider any dispensation.


FC/04/1-25   To resolve as minutes the record of the Finance Committee

                     Meeting held on 6 January 2025.

                     To be resolved and signed at the next meeting

FC/05/1-25   Wages/payroll

                     It was resolved that Cllr C. Jude (Chair) and Cllr G. Ward input the

                     PAYE system with the Assistant Clerk. They arranged to meet at the

                     Parish Office on Monday, 27 January 2025 at 7.45am.

                     The Assistant Clerk will send the net figures of staff salary to Cllr

                     D. Wilson (Chair – Personnel Committee) and Cllr C. Jude (Chair –

                     Finance Committee) each month so that payment can be made.

                     The Assistant Clerk explained that the PAYE system works out the

                     tax and national insurance figure.

                     There was a discussion as to whether the staff were salaried.  Cllr D.

                     Wilson will check staff contracts.

FC/06/1-25   There was a discussion as to whether the Councillors would be able to

                     assist the Clerk with the Council’s finances. The Chair will look into this.

                     The councillors offered their help and support with office duties

                     including counting the change from the parking meters. Cllr Pam

                     Robinson has been counting the money at the moment. Cllr Sue

                     Whitmore volunteered to carry out this task when she is free.

                     There was a discussion on the forthcoming AGAR and inputting the

                     correct cost centres into Scribe in readiness for the end of year

                     figures. Cllr C. Jude pointed out that some of the Cost Centres had the

                     wrong category. Cllr Sue Whitmore is making a list of incorrect entries

                     in the Cost Centres for the Assistant Clerk to correct.  She also stated

                     that November and December figures need sorting.

                     A spreadsheet will be generated for monthly outgoings and incomings.

                     This will be available at monthly Full Council Meetings.

                     There will be a list of chalets, showing owners and payments made and

                     outstanding. A spreadsheet will be generated for this.

                     Cllr Sue Whitmore pointed out that there were 10 payments and 8

                     Invoices outstanding at the moment.

                     At the present time there is a BACS list showing invoices for payment

                     Which the Assistant Clerk inputs into Scribe weekly as agreed.

                     The Assistant Clerk pointed out that as soon as the Cost Centres were

                     Corrected, the final figure will be accurate.

                     It was stated by Cllr C. Jude that the Assistant Clerk should have

                     Access to the bank account in order to carry out the role of Clerk/RFO



FC/07/1-25   Date and time of next meeting

                     To be advised.


The meeting concluded at 12.20pm