25 July 2022 Extraordinary Meeting

The Old Coastguard Station, Anderby Road Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5XA 
Dear Councillor, 
You are hereby summoned to attend Chapel St Leonards Parish Council Extra-Ordinary Meeting which will be held on Monday 25th July 2022 commencing at 7.00pm at the Chapel St Leonards Village Hall, 28 Sea Road, PE24 5SA.   If you cannot attend please inform me of your absence and the reason. 
The agenda is shown below. 
Signature       A. Maynard                                                    Dated: 19th July 2022 
Parish Clerk 
Chairman’s welcome 
There will be a 15-minute maximum Public Participation Session at this meeting.  Members of the public may have up to 3 minutes each to raise issues. 
Members of the public may not speak or interject during the parish council meeting once it starts unless permission is granted by the Chair and by resolution of the parish council. 
1. Apologies for Absence.  
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered and to consider any dispensations. 
3. To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th July 2022.
4. To consider matters arising from the meeting of 11th July 2022.
5. Finance 
a) to receive the internal auditors report 
b) to approve and the Clerk and Chair to sign the annual governance statement when approved
c) To approve the annual accounting statement and the Chair to sign when approved
d) To approve the publication of the above documents and to send to the external auditor
e) to authorise payments on the payments schedule
6. Any Correspondence received – sent to Councillors before the meeting or received prior to the meeting; LALC E-news 
7. To agree the dates for the Chapel St Leonards Parish Council LALC Training Day in September 
8. To approve the budget and any further expenses to be paid for the Summer Family Festival
9. To consider and approve the grass-cutting of Charlie’s Folly area following recent local consultation.
10. Agenda items for the next meeting. 
11. Dates
Parish Council meeting September 5th