Committee Structure & Working Groups






There are four ‘standing’ committees that have powers to determine most matters within their remit, subject to any policies and budget set by the Council.  The functions of the standing committees can be summarised as: -






Meetings of the full Parish Council will receive committee minutes as the decisions will already have been implemented under the delegation.


Each Committee shall comprise five elected Members. Non-Members of the Council

may be invited to the Committee meetings from time to time for advice, as determined by

the elected Members of the Committee.

Each Committee shall determine the frequency of Meetings.

Each Committee should be proportionate and demonstrate a balanced representation.




The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Council’s Cemetery, and for the management of St Leonards Churchyard in so far as that responsibility extends to the Council.

Such management includes (within the Cemetery only) responsibility for the allocation of graves and plots for cremated remains, ensuring that burials are carried out in a correct and dignified manner, maintenance of all records, determination of      regulations relating to the Cemetery including the erection and maintenance of memorials and for making RECOMMENDATION to Council in respect of the fees to be charged in relation to the Cemetery; and (within both the Cemetery and St Leonards Churchyard) responsibility for the general maintenance to ensure an appropriately harmonious environment.


Delegated authority to Committee:

●       To be responsible for the management of the Council’s cemetery.

●       To be responsible for the closed churchyard

●       The Committee may spend funds held within the Cemetery reserve in pursuance of its responsibilities subject to:

     (a) compliance with the Council’s Financial Regulations,

     (b) spending being contained within the cemetery reserve, and

     (c) spending subsequently being reported to Council.

●       Where it is necessary for additional staff resources to be utilised, which would incur unbudgeted expense for the Council (i.e., staff employed on overtime), the approval of the Council with reference to the RFO must first be obtained within the financial regulations



The Committee shall be responsible for the Management of the general environment within Chapel St Leonards with the exception of the beach, sea defence wall and its approaches. Such responsibility includes the general tidiness and cleanliness of the streets, parish paths and open public spaces within Chapel St Leonards. Management of the Village Recreation field and the Community Play Park. The Committee shall not be responsible for the management of a revenue budget but may spend funds in pursuance of its responsibilities subject to:

            (a) compliance with the Council’s Financial Regulations, and

            (b) spending subsequently being reported to Council.


Delegated authority to Committee:

●       To be responsible for the management of the Council’s property including public seating, litter and dog waste bins, bus shelters & community buildings

●       Recreation field, the inspection (for insurance purposes) of the play equipment which forms part of the Community Play Park

●       To be responsible to ensure that the Recreation field and Community Play Park is opened and closed to the public within the parameters determined by the Council.

●       Management of the public toilets operated by the Council. Such responsibility includes      inspection, cleanliness and maintenance of the public toilets, including the provision of consumables and the organisation of any works or repairs necessary to maintain the public toilets in good working order. The Committee is also responsible to ensure that the public toilets are opened and closed to the public within the parameters determined by the Council.

●       Management of any other assets which may be assigned to the Committee by the Council at any time, either on a permanent or temporary basis.

This Committee will also deal with property and service delivery matters not specified and as the result of future demands.



To deal with all matters relating to the internal arrangements of the Council including the agreement of the overall budget (for consideration / approval by full Council).

Delegated authority to Committee:

To administer on behalf of the Council the Committee’s approved annual budget.

●       To consider and determine applications for grant aid.

●       To fix charges for services within the remit of the committee.

●       To deal with the initial negotiations of land transactions on including the content of leases, for recommendation to the full Council

●       To be responsible for all of the Council’s insurance matters for recommendation to the main Council

●       To monitor the income and expenditure of the Council on a regular basis





The Committee shall be responsible for monitoring and managing matters relating to all employees of the Council


Delegated authority to Committee:

●       To establish and review the staffing structures and make recommendations to full Council.

●       The Committee shall act collectively as the line Manager for the Parish Clerk

●       To monitor, draft and recommend any changes to staffing policies.

●       To undertake annual staffing reviews (including salary pay scales) for all staff members with any adjustments to be ratified by full Council.

●       To oversee the recruitment and appointment of staff (to be ratified by Full Council).

●       To establish and review performance management (including annual appraisals) and staff training programmes.

●       To oversee any process leading to dismissal of staff (including redundancy).

●       To consider grievance or disciplinary matter (and subsequent appeal) in line with the Parish Council’s adopted disciplinary / grievance policy.

●       To appoint a Panel of three Councillors (excluding members of the Personnel Committee) from the Council to hear any such matters and report back to the Personnel Committee, when need arises

●       To delegate to the Chairman of the Personnel Committee, the day-to-day liaison of the Parish Clerk & RFO (Parish Clerk’s immediate point of contact) authorisation of annual leave and lieu requests.

●       To delegate powers to the Clerk in respect of line management duties relating to other members of staff.

●       To delegate authority to the Parish Clerk & RFO to seek HR Advice directly from the approved HR Advisors when any matter concerning employment.

●       To delegate authority to the Parish Clerk in respect of the execution of new employment contracts and any changes to contracts, after consultation with Main Council

●       To nominate Councillor(s) (of the Personnel Committee) to seek HR Advice directly from the HR Advisors when any matter concerns the employment of the Parish Clerk & RFO.

●       To ensure the Council complies with all legislative requirements relating to the employment of staff.

●       To Monitor the work schedule for the Operatives


The Following issues should be reported to full Council

●       To keep under review staff working conditions, and health and safety procedures.

●       To monitor and address any regular or sustained staff absence.

●       To consider any appeal against a decision in respect of pay


●       The Parish Clerk (or authorised assistant) shall be the proper officer for all proper officer functions.

●       The Parish Clerk (or authorised assistant) shall make arrangements to pay salaries and wages to all employees of the Council.

●       The Parish Clerk (or authorised assistant) shall arrange and call meetings of the Council, its committees in consultation with the relevant chairman.

●       The Parish Clerk (or authorised assistant) shall carry out and implement any Council, committee decision.

●       The Parish Clerk (or authorised assistant) may give instructions for the carrying out of routine maintenance and repair of the Council’s property and land where budget provision has been made for such works.

●       The Parish Clerk (or authorised assistant) may take urgent decisions on behalf of the Council following consultation with the Chairman. In the case of any financial implication / risk to the Parish Council, usually (but not confined to) a health & safety matter, the Parish clerk must comply with limits as authorised in adopted financial regulations, and report back to the next available meeting of the Council (either full Council or substantive committee).


                                                 WORKING PARTY – Procedure

Full Council may form or disband a Working Party who will carry out tasks as defined by Full Council.

Specific Terms of Reference, including if necessary delegated powers, will be prepared by the Clerk for ratification.

The Role of Working Party for Chapel Parish Council

 To tackle issues as directed by the Council.

 To be task specific and time limited.

 To examine an issue in detail, read reports and related materials, examine options, get advice for the Council.

 To act as experts and/or liaise with experts.

 To make recommendations to Council.

 To explain the recommendations, reasons, options to Full Council by way of a written report.  To answer questions from the Council.

 No funding or monies to be spent or committed without delegated authority or prior Full Council endorsement. Working Party relationship

 Full Council must direct the Working Party and set clear terms of reference for them regarding objectives, scope and outcome.

 The role of Full Council is to question and challenge the recommendations, in order to be satisfied of the correct decision.

 The Working Party must facilitate the Full Council with as much information as it requires to ensure it can make a properly informed decision on its recommendation. Operations of the Working Party

• A Working Party will have not have a Budget.

• The number of Councillors on a Working Party to be decided on at time of the Working Party appointment.

• The leader of the Working Party to be appointed by the Full Council at the time of the Working Party appointment.

• A Working Party must consist of at least 3 Councillors.

• Quorate: Minimum of 2 Councillors at each meeting.

• Work priorities and co-option of named experts to be approved by Full Council.

• Prepare notes of meetings for Full Council to report on any activity and progress.

• A Working Party do not meet in public, therefore Standing Orders are not applicable, although the Code of Conduct still applies.

• To examine options and make recommendations to Full Council.

• All Members of Council are to be informed of any meetings of any Working Party; and are able to attend and ask for any relevant Working Party documentation