Body Worn Cameras Policy



Policy for the use of Body Worn Cameras




This document will enable Councilors and Staff of Chapel St Leonard’s Parish Council to comply with legislation relating to video recording.


The purpose of Body Worn Camera’s (BWC’s) is to protect staff and the public, discourage aggressive or abusive behavior and provide evidence where required to investigate complaints, or to produce evidence for the enforcement of the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s)

The policy will set out the purpose of using BWC’s, what information will be recorded, who will have access to this information and how this information will be stored and disposed of.


 The purpose of using BWC’s is to: -

  • Assist in the enforcement of the PSPO’s,
  • Serve as a deterrent to acts of aggression or verbal and physical abuse
  • Introduce a more imposing recording system to address levels of anti-social behaviour
  • Keep people safe,
  • Capture images close up, including audio recording,


The BWC will not be used as a tool to assist in the ad-hoc monitoring of officers.


All operators will receive training in the use of BWC including: -

  • Practical use of equipment,
  • Operational guidance i.e. when to commence and cease recording,
  • legal implications of using such equipment.


 The day-to-day management of the BWC system will be the responsibility of

  the Proper Officer.


BWC will be activated for recording when the operator: -


  • Requires evidence for enforcement of the PSPO’s
  • Has an engagement with a member of the public which, in the opinion of the operator, is confrontational and where they believe that they may be subject to physical or verbal abuse,


BWC will be used in an overt manner and operators will wear clear identification to indicate that it is a device capable of visual and audio recording.

If questioned, the operator must confirm to the enquirer that they are subject to recording and be prepared to answer questions as to the security of the data.

BWC will not be used in a hidden or covert manner

BWC will only be used when wearing Council uniform or clearly displaying Council identification.


BWC’s are worn so that they are clearly visible and a clear and verbal warning that the camera is in use will be given. This will ensure that both the maximum deterrent value is achieved and that the public are fully aware that they are being recorded.


In all instances where BWC are to be used, and where practical, operators will inform the individual (or group) that the BWC is switched on and recording. There may be occasions when to do so would escalate the incident or put the operator in danger if such a warning was given, but this should be very rare and the operator may be required to justify such an action.


We respect and support the individual’s entitlement to go about their lawful business and this is a primary consideration in the operation of a BWC system. Although there is inevitably some loss of privacy when BWC’s are operational, cameras will not be used to monitor the progress of individuals in the ordinary course of lawful business in the area under surveillance. Individuals will only be continuously monitored if there is reasonable cause to suspect an offence has been, or may be, about to be committed.


Retention of BWC recordings


Any recordings which have been made will be uploaded and stored on the Council’s secure Laptop daily. All data will be stored for 1 year and then transferred to East Lindsey District council for a further 6 years, where they will be retained in accordance with the East Lindsey District Council Policies.


BWC recordings may only be accessed by the appropriate data controller. Any other staff requiring access to the data must be authorised by the data controller.


BWC recordings will be made accessible as soon as practicable to Lincolnshire Police, and East Lindsey District Council upon their request.



The BWC and laptop will be kept in a lockable fireproof container at the end of every day, only accessible to the Operator & the Proper Officer

If a member of the public has been identified as being recorded by BWC, he / she can request to view the recording. The request will be treated as a subject access request under Section 7 data Protection Act 1998 and will need to be made in writing to Chapel St Leonard’s Parish Council in accordance with the Council’s Publication Scheme. The Council will request proof of identity. Availability of the BWC recordings will be at a time suitable to both the Proper Officer and the person requesting access only, subject to the retention period described above.


This policy will be published on the Council’s web site




Adopted October 2021