30 October 2023



Monday 30th October 2023 at 2:00PM at the

Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards


Present: Cllr P Robinson, Cllr S Whitmore, Cllr P Hamilton

Absent: Cllr R Christie-Smith, Cllr C Jude, Cllr C Seabrooke, Cllr F Doko

Deputy Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow

Members of public present: 2


EC1/10-23 Chair’s Welcome

Cllr Whitmore welcomed the committee and public to the meeting.

EC2/10-23 Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Cllrs Christie-Smith, Jude, Doko, and Seabrooke.


EC3/10-23 Declarations of Interest




EC4/10-23 To resolve as minutes the record of the meeting held on 12th September.


The minutes were RESOLVED and signed by the Chair.



EC5/10-23 To discuss the Remembrance Day event.


    1. Final review of leaflets

Noted the header needed changing to 2023. 75 copies to be printed for Cllr Whitmore to collect. Poppy wreaths will be given to the Cllr Robinson to bring to the Remembrance events.

    1. Final review of councillor expectations for 11 & 12th November

Cllr Robinson to attend both Saturday and Sunday events; Cllr Jude is expected on Sunday with Cllr Whitmore as back-up.


    1. To take a decision on when to hang lamppost poppies and associated details

Cllr Whitmore to meet with the senior operative on 2nd November to hang these in the village.




EC6/10-23 To discuss the Christmas event.


The members of the public present, both of whom are involved in the Christmas event, offered input at various time during this section beginning at 2:15 pm.


  1. Update on resolved items from the September meeting

The deputy clerk updated the committee on tasks concluded since the last meeting.


  1. Trophy for business lights competition

RESOLVED to purchase the £89.99 9-shield trophy; verbiage and decoration to be settled on at a later date.


  1. Local school involvement

Cllr Whitmore noted that the school were committed to the event.


  1. Diagram of the Village Green

Following a robust discussion and the previous week’s meeting on the Green, the committee felt that a further discussion was needed with all parties involved. This will be held on Monday 6th November and those needed will be notified.


20th and 21st November were suggested for the lights to be placed on and around the Green with the Display ornaments being assembled in advance and delivered to the Green on the morning of the 24th for installation.


  1. Elf applications

The new Elf was introduced at the meeting and the previous Elf will provide them with a briefing prior to the event. The committee RESOLVED to spend up to £30.00 for a new costume if required.


  1. Gifts for children

Gifts are in hand and volunteers for wrapping have been identified.


  1. Staff rota

The deputy clerk will circulate the rota to all councillors asking for them to add their names to the rota. Cllr Robinson noted the support of volunteers being essential to the running of this event, which was noted by the committee.



EC7/10-23 To resolve the date of the next Events committee meeting.


The committee elected to refrain from setting a date and will look to 2024 for a future meeting.


Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40PM.