06 March 2023

Monday 06 March 2023 at 10:00am at the 
Church Hall, Church Lane, Chapel St Leonards
Present: Cllr P Robinson, Cllr R Christie-Smith, Cllr S Whitmore, Cllr D Simmons, Cllr C Seabrooke Cllr C Jude, Cllr P Hamilton
Absent: Cllr G Dalton, Cllr F Doko
Deputy Parish Clerk: Mrs S Bristow  
Proper Officer: Miss A Maynard              
Members of public present: 0
EC1/03-23 Chair’s Welcome
The Chair welcomed the committee members and staff assembled
EC2/03-23 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were accepted from Cllr Dalton. No apologies were received from Cllr Doko
EC3/03-23 Declarations of Interest 
EC4/03-23 To resolve as minutes the record of the meeting held on 30th January 2023
The minutes were RESOLVED and signed by the Chair
EC5/03-23 To consider a letter intended for local businesses asking for financial consideration towards the PC public events following dissolution of the BID
A draft letter was circulated and RESOLVED to be used for this purpose. The committee further RESOLVED to send the letter to all business in the village.
EC6/03-23 To consider the hire cost of the Village Green
The committee discussed the introduction of a charge and the rationale for it, including the wages of operatives who may attend and the use of electricity and water by organisers or their vendors. It was RESOLVED to institute a charge of £75 per day hire charge for organisations wanting to use the Green.
EC7/03-23 To discuss and receive an update on the Summer Festival
It was confirmed that one vendor had booked, but that the office had not yet been able to publicise the fact bookings were now open; this will now take place. A contact has been made with a silver band and also with the wrestling display company. It was RESOLVED to hire the wrestling display company to be at the festival on the Saturday only.
EC8/03-23 To discuss bunting and flags for the Coronation
A variety of options were presented to the committee. It was RESOLVED that the synthetic paper Union flag bunting be purchased at £122.50, inclusive of  £19.63 in recoverable VAT. The flags were RESOLVED to be purchased at a cost of £11.40, inclusive of £1.90 in recoverable VAT plus delivery each. The Deputy Clerk will ascertain the number of flags needed and work with the Proper Officer to place the orders.
EC9/03-23 Confirmation of Christmas lighting re-use for 2023
Deputy Clerk updated the Committee that she had spoken to the handyman and that the two older, non-LED light strands (one front and one rear) were in need of replacing. Costs will be obtained and brought to the April meeting for consideration.
EC10/03-23 To consider the formation of Working Groups to support individual events
Deferred to next meeting. The Chair asked that all hands be on deck for the Christmas lighting event to support throughout the day. The Deputy Clerk will create a rota sign up sheet for this event, as well as for the Councillor and First Aid tents at the Summer Festival.
EC11/03/23 To resolve the date of the next Events committee meeting
RESOLVED as Wednesday 19th April at 10am
Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 11:11am.