27 April 2023 Extraordinary Meeting Agenda

The Old Coastguard Station, Anderby Road Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5XA 
Dear Councillors 
You are hereby summoned to attend Chapel St Leonards Parish Council EXTRA-ORDINARY Meeting which will be held on Thursday27 April 2023 commencing at 7.00pm at the Chapel St Leonards Church Hall Church Lane, PE24 5QW.  If you cannot attend, please inform the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of your absence and the reason. 
Signature A. Maynard                                                     Dated: 22 April 2023 
Parish Clerk  ________________________________________________________  
Chairman’s welcome 
There will be a 15-minute maximum Public Participation Session at this meeting.  Members of the public may have up to 3 minutes each to raise issues. Members of the public may not speak or interject during the parish council meeting once it starts unless permission is granted by the Chair and by resolution of the parish council. The Chair will invite County and District Councillors to make a statement or bring items to the attention of the parish council prior to the start of the formal agenda.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.  
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered and to consider any dispensations. 
3. To discuss and resolve the Parish Council operatives vehicle situation.
4. To confirm the staffing advertisement and conditions.
5. Remind everyone of the next meeting of 15 May 2023.