02 October 2023 Agenda

The Old Coastguard Station, Anderby Road Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5XA
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, and Members are summoned to attend a Chapel St Leonards Parish Council Meeting which will be held on Monday 02 October 2023 commencing at 7.00pm at the Chapel St Leonards Village Hall, Sea Road, PE24 5SA. If you cannot attend, please inform me of your absence and the reason.
Signature    A. Maynard Dated: 20 September 2023
Parish Clerk
Chair’s Welcome
There will be a 15-minute maximum Public Participation Session at this meeting. Members of the public may have up to 3 minutes each to raise issues. Members of the public may not speak or interject during the Parish Council Meeting once it starts unless permission is granted by the Chair and by resolution of the Parish Council. The Chair will invite County and District Councillors to make a statement or bring items to the attention of the Parish Council prior to the start of the formal agenda.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
3. To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11 September 2023.
4. Chair’s Report – 
a) Tendering process for grass cutting – beginning of process.
b) MUGA Fencing - update.
c) Grass Cutting – update on the grass cutting to be taken over from ELDC.
d) Toilets – update on charging.
e) Chain of Office – update. 
5. Cemetery Committee – to receive notes of the meetings and to consider any recommendations.
6. Admin Committee - to receive notes of the meetings and to consider any recommendations. 
7. Events Committee – to receive an update from recent meetings. 
8. Finance Committee – to receive any updates from the Finance Committee meeting held on 05/09/2023. 
a) To authorise the signing of orders for payment and note the income for September 2023.
b) To receive bank reconciliation for September 2023.
9. Planning – To consider new planning applications as a statutory consultee and to note Planning Authority decisions and receive updates on previous applications consulted on – 
Planning Permission - Alterations to existing caravan park which previously had permission for 66 no. touring caravans and 11 no. static caravans to provide an extra 5no. touring caravans bringing the park total up to 71 no. touring caravans and 11 no. static caravans. Update only.
N/031/01800/23 - CLOSE, CHAPEL ST LEONARDS, SKEGNESS, PE24 5WB – Planning Permission – Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation.
10. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 13 November 2023, 7pm, Village Hall.