11 March 2020

Chapel St Leonards Parish Council


Parish Office, Ancaster Ave, Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5SL.


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held on 11th March 2019 commencing at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, Sea Rd, Chapel St Leonards. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.


Signature Dated: 6th March 2019


Parish Clerk




1. Apologies for Absence


2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered


3. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 11th February 2019


4 To receive the notes of the Extra meeting of the Council held on 21st February 2019


5 To receive the notes of the meeting of the Personnel Committee Council held on 11th February 2019


6. Chairman’s Announcements.


7. Report from Cllr Davie (LCC)


8. a) To receive the Schedules of accounts for 1st February to the 28th February 2019

which have been checked on behalf of the Finance Committee by Cllr Ison

b) To ratify payments

£1887.50 PCC Churchwardens Land

£ 9204.00 Healthmatic – Chapel Point (106 funds)

£7615.20 Public conveniences

£1980.00 N Dowlman Architects

£ 1440.00 P Chafer – Repairs to village green fence (Insurance claim)

£ 2632.78 S Andrews – Chapel Point Office

c) Funds received

£2250.00 – Wild Bill Film crew (a further £250.00 still to be paid)

£1000.00 ELDC District Councillors – grant for information sign at Chapel Point


9. Correspondence sent to Councillors before the meeting

a) Democratic Service Traffic regulations

b) Ice Mountain Event


10. Clerks Report

a) Election Update


11. Planning

b) Submitted


Planning Permission - Erection of 2no. holiday cottages (1no. cottage already built).

Farm Cottage, Wigg Lane, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5RJ 2




Planning Permission - Erection of a holiday cottage, to include cladding on the existing garage on site.

Ashbourne, Wigg Lane, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5RJ


c) Awaiting Response


Planning Permission - Change of use from Class A3: (Restaurant and Cafe) to Class D1: (Non-Residential Institutions) as a function room of The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended.

Chapel Point Cafe, St Leonards Drive, Chapel St Leonards

d) Enforcement

a) 2 Buckingham Drive, PE24 5UN – Fence Exceeding 1 metre

Trellis removed from front, awaiting removal of trellis at the rear – No further action to be taken

b) 12 Sea Road, PE24 5SJ – Fence exceeding 1 metre

Breach Confirmed – ELDC negotiating with the Owner – No further action to be taken


12. Reports from outside Bodies


13. Request for a licence for selling Hot Dogs at the bottom of Trunch Lane


13 Agenda Items for the next Meeting


14. Next Meeting Dates

25th March Parish Meeting

14th Cemetery Meeting

14th March Music Festival Meeting – Volunteers are invited

15th April Parish Council Meeting

The Next item is a pink paper and the public will be asked to leave


15. To Discuss the Installation of CCTV