10 February 2020

Chapel St Leonards Parish Council


Parish Office, Ancaster Ave, Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5SL.


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held on 10th February 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, Sea Rd, Chapel St Leonards. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.


Signature Dated: 4th February 2020


Parish Clerk



The Meeting will begin with a Public Participation Session


1. Apologies for Absence


2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered


3. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th January 2020


4. a) To receive the Schedules of accounts for1st January to the 31st January 2020 which have been checked by Cllr Mrs M King A member of the Finance Committee

b) To Ratify Payments

  • 06/01.2020 R Aldridge Amenities cutting £1052.00
  • 13/01/2020 Protec Service – Alarm £1176.07 inc £196.01 reclaimable VAT
  • 13/01/2020 Protec Services – CCTV Pub Cons £1704.37 inc £284.06 reclaimable VAT
  • 20/01/2020 Protec Services -CCTV Chapel Point £2595.24 inc £432.54 reclaimable VAT
  • 20/01/2020 EKM – Play equipment repairs £1068.00 inc £178.00 reclaimable VAT

c) Detailed costs for Office Move, CCTV & Office Alarm


5. Report from LCC & ELDC Councillors


6. Chairman’s Announcements.

a) Update on the Hub Application, pre planning advice taken, and Architect booked


7. Clerks Report

a) Council contacts – details of who to contact within ELDC& LCC

b) Yellow lines in the Village Report Reference 4139450 The Clerk has chased Highways for a date to discuss this matter

c) CCTV Service level Agreement – The Clerk has advised ELDC that as the District Council is in breach of the

agreement the Parish council will not be signing the agreement

Cllr Mrs Baker will be attending the next CCTV meeting on the 13th February

d) Social Media Update


8. Correspondence Received – sent to Councillors before the meeting

Deadline extension for previous abstraction activity licence applications


9. Planning

a) Decisions


Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to form enlarged bedroom and bathroom.


11 Fairburn Close, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5YT

No Objections

Full Planning Permission Granted


Planning Permission - To site 3no. additional static caravans at existing caravan park.

Happy Days Beachfield, Trunch Lane, Chapel St Leonards, SKEGNESS, PE24 5TU

No Objections

Full Planning Permission Granted

c) To Discuss


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 74no. static caravans, provision of access roads with associated parking, decking, sheds and excavation of land to form a lake. Extension to existing caravan site to provide 6no. additional static caravans (total of 80no. caravans proposed)

Golden Anchor Site, Trunch Lane, Chapel St. Leonards, Skegness, PE25 5TU (Site In Parish Of Addlethorpe)


10. Reports from outside Bodies


11. Application to display a banner

Chapel Pantomime Group 6th to 14th March 2020


12. Agenda Items for the next Meeting


13. Meeting Dates

20th February Finance Committee

20th February Cemetery Committee

20th February Personnel Meeting

9th March Parish Council Meeting

23rd March Parish Meeting

13th April Parish Council Meeting