13 January 2020

Chapel St Leonards Parish Council


Parish Office, Ancaster Ave, Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5SL.


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held on 13th January 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, Sea Rd, Chapel St Leonards. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.


Signature Dated: 7th January 2020


Parish Clerk




This Meeting Will Begin With A Presentation From Steve Harris, Lincolnshire County Council Emmergency Planning & Business Continuity Officer

There will be not Public Participation Session


1. Apologies for Absence


2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered


3. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 11th November 2019


4. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Personnel Committee 4th December 2019


5. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Finance Committee 18th December 2019


6. a) To receive the Schedules of accounts for1st November to the 30th November 2019, and for 1st December to the 31st December which have been checked by Cllr Mrs M King

b) To Ratify Payments

  • 04/11/2019 Winter & Worcester £5490.00 inc £990.00 reclaimable VAT
  • 11/11/2019 Smith of Derby – Clock refurbishment £1896.72 inc £316.12 reclaimable VAT
  • 25/11/2019 Winter & Worcester £6138.00 inc £1023.00 reclaimable VAT
  • 16/12/2019 R Aldridge £1052.00
  • 17/12/2019 S Betteridge – Footpath, 106 Monies £10956.00 inc £1826.00 reclaimable VAT
  • 20/12/2019 PCC – recreation ground, new repayment amount £2182.50

c) Half Yearly Audit – Cllr Hibbert-Greaves

d) To set Precept


7. Report from LCC & ELDC Councillors


8. Chairman’s Announcements.

To propose the following

  • Cllr Mrs Baker as Events Organiser Portfolio Holder
  • Cllr Mrs Baker as Policies & Procedures Portfolio Holder


9. Clerks Report

a) Recreation ground footpath – now completed, contractor will return in the spring to reseed the entrance

b) Damage on the Sea front – benches, and Chalets

c) Problems with the Christmas Tree

d) Road Safety Partnership – 2 more volunteers required to operate Speed Gun

e) Jonathan Challen ELDC contacted to chase the installation of the CCTV camera on the Pullover

f) Yellow lines in the Village Report Reference 4139450


10. Correspondence Received – sent to Councillors before the meeting

a) Dept for Environment Food & Rural Affairs – Bathing Water Classification Excellent

b) East Lindsey District Council invite to the Towns Fund Summit and letter from the ELDC Leader

c) LCC School Admissions consultation

d) LALC Local Council Clustering – results of questionnaire

e) LALC Buckingham Palace Garden Party

f) LALC Training Corse Details for 2020


11. Planning

a) Decisions


Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 7 no. static caravans, with decking, vehicular parking and sheds. Excavation of land to form an amenity pond.

Meadow View, (Golden Palm Resort), South Road, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5TR




Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 20 no. static caravans, construction of an internal access road, excavation of land to provide a pond and construction of embankments to a maximum height of 1 metre.

The Laurels Pond, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards




Application to vary conditions no. 3 (landscaping), condition no. 10 (water vole habitats) and condition no. 17 (phasing of development) as imposed on planning permission reference no. S/090/02435/16 which was a hybrid application consisting of an outline planning application for the erection of a petrol filling station, a hotel, a family pub, a fast food outlet, a business centre, and a visitor centre and sales area for the sales of static caravans and associated items, sports facilities and reception and a full application for the change of land for holiday accommodation in the form of 449 no. static caravan plots, 30 no. lodges, camping pitches, approx. 540 no. touring caravan pitches, excavation of lakes, the provision of a cross country track and provision of roads.

Land Adjoining Grays Farm, Anchor Lane, Ingoldmells

Support Approved


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to create an extension to existing caravan park for the siting of an additional 53no. static caravans, excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and construction of internal vehicular access roads and vehicular parking

Land At Eastfield Caravan Park, St Leonards Drive, Chapel St Leonards



b) Submitted


Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to form enlarged bedroom and bathroom.

11 Fairburn Close, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5YT

No Objections


To Remove Telephone Box outside Co-op, Store The Green, Chapel St Leonards


c) To Discuss


Planning Permission - To site 3no. additional static caravans at existing caravan park.

Happy Days Beachfield, Trunch Lane, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5TU


12. Reports from outside Bodies


13. CCTV – Refurbishment update & Service Level Agreement – Sent to Councillors before the meeting


14. Application from a resident to have street lights on overnight on Fairfield Avenue


15. Website Amendments

a) To Adopt a Privacy Notice to be added to the Web site


16. Recording of Public Participation Session


18. Agenda Items for the next Meeting


19. Meeting Dates

February 10th 2020 Parish Council Meeting