09 March 2020

Chapel St Leonards Parish Council


Parish Office, Ancaster Ave, Chapel St Leonards, PE24 5SL.


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held on 9th March 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, Sea Rd, Chapel St Leonards. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

Signature Dated: 3rd March 2020


Parish Clerk



The Meeting will begin with a Public Participation Session


1. Apologies for Absence


2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests not already registered


3. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 10th February 2020


4. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 20th February 2020


5. To receive the notes of the meeting of the Cemetery Committee held on 20th February 2020


6. a) To receive the Schedules of accounts for 1st February to 29th February 2020 which have been checked by Cllr Yaxley a member of the Finance Committee

b) To Ratify Payments

03/02/2020 Parochial Church Council – recreation ground rent £2182.50


7. Report from LCC & ELDC Councillors


8. Chairman’s Announcements.


9. Clerks Report

a) Yellow lines in the Village Report Reference 4139450 Cllr Davie is arranging a walk about in the Village with Highways, which the Parish Council will attend

b) The Parish Council has received a grant of £1000.00 from the ELDC Councillors award scheme to enable them to purchase a Notice Board for Chapel Point

c) The Finger Pointers are now being installed in the Village, the Parish Council are also in receipt of the information boards, this will enable visitors and residents to navigate around the village.

d) Parish Meeting – Agenda Items

e) Bins for Skegness Road –applied for in accordance with the ELDC Policy, Awaiting Their decision


10. Correspondence Received – sent to Councillors before the meeting

Lincolnshire Best Kept Villages competition 2020


11. Planning

a) Decisions


Planning Permission - Erection of 1 no. detached house on the site of an existing agricultural building which is to be demolished

Plot Adjacent Glenroy, Skegness Road, Chapel St Leonards


Full Planning Permission Granted

b) Submitted


Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 74no. static caravans, provision of access roads with associated parking, decking, sheds and excavation of land to form a lake. Extension to existing caravan site to provide 6no. additional static caravans (total of 80no. caravans proposed)

Golden Anchor Site, Trunch Lane, Chapel St. Leonards, Skegness, PE25 5TU (Site In Parish Of Addlethorpe)


c) To Discuss


Planning Permission - Siting of a storage container to be used as a salt therapy room.

Chapel Fields Holiday Park, Trunch Lane, Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5UA


Planning Permission – Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide an enlarged kitchen,

Playroom with a bedroom and bathroom on the first floor and to include a porch to front elevation

13 West Viewcrescent, Chapel St Leonards PE24 5UH

12. Recommendations from the Cemetery Committee – Information sent to Councillors before the meeting - Cllr Yaxley

a) To reduce grant reservation length from 100 years to 50 years

b) To increase Cemetery Charges in line with other Councils


13. Public Conveniences

a) Recommendations from the Finance Committee – information sent to Councillors before the meeting – Cllr Hibbert-Greaves

Ancaster Toilets – Remain open all year with free pay in the winter months

Chapel Point to open at Easter & Closed in September

Trunch Lane – to open in the School Holidays

b) That the caravan sites should be approached for donations to assist with the running of Trunch Lane

c) South Road

The Toilets require approx. £1500.00 worth of repair work – To discuss


14. Drop-in Sessions for the public

To discuss and decide the way forward with communication with the Public


15. Councillor Reports

CCTV – Cllr Mrs Baker

Training Course – Planning - Cllr Mrs Hamilton

The Hub Project – Cllr Evans


16. Applications to hold events/ to display a banner

a) Residents Association 11th July – Fun day with music/Stalls/Classic Cars on the Village Green, and to display

a banner. Paperwork Completed, and insurance seen.

b) Chapel St Leonards Carnival Committee – Carnival 1st & 2nd August on the Village Green & Beach

Games on the Pullover and to display Banner.

Paperwork Completed, awaiting insurance


17. Agenda Items for the next Meeting


18. Meeting Dates

19th March Personnel Meeting 1.00 pm

19th March Environment & Amenities Meeting 1.30 pm

23rd March Parish Meeting

13th April Parish Council Meeting