20 June 2024



Thursday 20 June 2024 at 1:00pm at Chapel St Leonards Church Hall, Church Lane, PE24 5QW.


Present: Cllr C Jude, Cllr R Christie-Smith, Cllr P Hamilton

Absent: None

Parish Clerk: A Maynard

PC1/20-24 To Elect a Chair for the Personnel Committee for the municipal year 2024/25

Cllr C Jude was proposed by Cllr R Christie-Smith and seconded by Cllr P Robinson and accepted.

PC2/20-24 Apologies for Absence


PC3/20-24 Declarations of Interest


PC3/13-23 To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: - 

  1. To discuss and RESOLVE to remove hours of study leave for the Clerk.

It was RESOLVED that the hours for study leave for the Clerk be removed and those hours are now set at 26hours per week plus 3 for the evening monthly meeting.

  1. To discuss in-house extra work for the operatives.

It was RESOLVED that the operatives cut the walkways to the beach and around the North Sea Observatory in addition to their other work.

  1. To discuss staff/operative training.

The staff are to carry on updating their skills and it was noted that the operatives were up to date with their machinery and Health & Safety training, although this will be on-going.

  1. To discuss confidential items relating to staff.

A discussion took place and the Chair of the Personnel Committee assured staff and another Councillor that the complaint would be dealt with by speaking to the person in the first instance and the outcome would be reported back.

Meeting concluded at 1:45pm