Embracing Social Media

The Parish Council is embracing the benefits of Social Media as a mechanism to inform us of your comments, concerns and any issues on the horizon.  

Whilst we will endeavour to address all issues, there are occasions where we are powerless to act i.e. the issue may fall outside our remit or legal restrictions may be in place – in those instances, we will record as much information as we can in our response and explain our position and how the matter can be raised elsewhere.

We hope that this new approach will serve to assure you of our commitment to enhance our community life whilst allowing us to act on Social Media commentary. 

Now seems like an opportune time to remind everyone to be fair and reasonable when making comments; Councillors work in a voluntary capacity and it is upsetting to be ‘trolled’ by people, who feel it’s acceptable to bully others online. The same applies to our staff, who work tirelessly to support Councillors and the local community. Thankfully, trolling only applies to a small minority but nonetheless, it can be extremely demoralising. So please be kind and constructive when raising issues – we will react, engage and resolve (where able) and work together for Chapel St Leonards.