Freedom of Information Requests 2019






Ref 1/2019

Request for the agreement with the last tenant of the Point Cafe, reached by CSL Parish Council with him to relinquish his lease to the point cafe before that lease expired.



Ref 2/2019

I would like to know the conditions, which govern the future use of the Chapel Point Café, specifically any measures which prevent it operating in competition with the North Sea Observatory. If there is an agreement, who would be party to such?

The Council can disclose that there are restrictions placed upon the future use of Chapel Point Café in that it must operate as a Parish Council concern. This was stipulated as the intention when the former lease-holder left the premises. The Council took legal advice on this matter but cannot disclose that correspondence at it falls with FOIA 42(2), which refers to legal privilege (confidential communications between lawyers and their clients made for the purpose of seeking or giving legal advice). There are no restrictions regarding the type of business, which can be operated within the premises (subject to statutory planning requirements) but it must be operated by the Parish Council.